You know, I just beat Final Fantasy Origins about a year ago. It was awesome, but it was a monumental drain on my mental gaming stability. This game is basically the same package, only with some extra stuff added.
That said, yeah I'm gonna buy it, in spite of how furious I got with FF2. Dawn of Souls actually includes a brand new option that makes me genuinely interested in re-playing these two games: you can save anywhere at any time! Thank God Almighty! Finally, I can save my game right before going up against a nasty boss, instead of having to backtrack all the way back out of a dungeon so I can save on the world map. The convenience of that single option (and the fact that there just aren't that many great GBA games coming out in the next few months) is definitely enough to convince me to buy it.
Oh, and the "Dawn of Souls" thing isn't just a new sidequest or two. It's an entirely new chapter added into the games, that apparently affects the plot of each title greatly.
Hopefully Square continues along this line of thinking and re-releases all of the 2D FF games on Nintendo's handhelds. We're already getting 1 and 2 on GBA, and 3 on the DS. Now I just want to see the DS get 4, 5, 6 and maybe Chrono Trigger. I'll be a happy man if it happens.
