Well i was just watching the news and for some odd reason they decided to mention a new comic book in there teaser so i didnt turn off the channel. Here is the description:
"ex-homeless teenage prostitute with HIV fights crime (i'm assuming as a superhero)"
Obviously i laugh histerically as the news anchor quotes the author as saying he wants to "bring a seriousness and awareness behind the hiv virus"
How about telling kids you can get hiv in ways other than being a homeless prostiture? Instead its deranged ex hooker cleans the streets! watch out or she'll poke you with a used needle.
Oh and i'm just waiting for this busty ass bitch because you know it will be. Then there will be some 14 year old kid jerking off to a homeless cartoon teenage prostitute with hiv.
Does anyone else find this as ammusing as i do? (and why the fuck are they plugging on the news like its some great step for people with HIV). I hope she gets super powers through some sort of radiation treatment and shoots an std laser out of her eyes.....