To make things efficient in economical ways u might want to consider this. Specialization amongst the members. What i mean is if one member or a few members do constant ball runs, or cow runz or pit runz with no mf and find socketables than they shouldnt have to do any countess runs, someone who does countess runs shouldnt have to do baal runz. Someone who does pindle/meph runs shouldnt do baal or countess, u see what im sayin? Specialization! makes things efficient. Efficient, producing at the lowest costs. so think a lil more on that.
That's not the point. I'm not trying to create some economic superpower here with a bunch of items. I'm just creating an economy to make it easier for people to trade, and do the other things I mentioned earlier. How people want to MF in their free time is up to them.
Economy IS power, there is no other way to describe it. The more resources you have at your disposal the possible power you can bring to the table.
Only the most fanatical devoted people are going to make a truly powerful clan.
(Just trying to bring people out of the clouds here)
Yes, but the intent of the economy is not so the leaders of the clan can become powerful. It's to help out the clan, plan tournaments, etc. Being a respected and powerful clan that people constantly want to join would be great, but that's not the main goal. We're just trying to make it fun, and encourage newcomers to get started with the financial aid provided to them by us.
Eh. When WoW comes out, I'm debating on what to do with my d2 gearz.
If this clan starts working well, and shows signs of growth by then, I may just donate my gearz to the clan. I'm not rich but hey, its better then nothing.
Hey why dont u just make money? Turn ur fun into a business. I dont play d2 anymore so thats why i cant join the clan otherwise i would but i think my idea could turn ur love of the game into some $$ money cash hoooeez! Like i said thru specialization, and then have a few people be the traders, people who are good at it. Some hard work and some elbow greese and u got a legit business. Maybe if u get rich u can throw the entrepenuer (me) a few hundred dolla billz! lol
I appologize because I'm really busy tonight. If I had time, I would write up everything I want for the clan today, and statr admitting members tomorrow, but I have a crazy amount of homework. I swear to god though, everyone who meets the qualifications and wants to be in will be in by Saturday.
just a thought that has come to my attention is that like SlickFic04 said is that the tax would kind of kill specialization. the tax should be like something equivilent not just one item/rune. For example, you said the tax could be a pul rune but what if you dont have a pul rune at the time when the tax is due or what if you do meph runs and only find items.
what i suggest is that the treasurer comes up with a few item equivilents of the tax. And another thing is what would you do with all the pul runes/other tax item of one kind anyway? you said it would be used to help setup tournaments and help new people ect. but atleast to me having 10 or so of the exact same items just doesnt sound logical for trading or even giving away purposes.
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
just a thought that has come to my attention is that like SlickFic04 said is that the tax would kind of kill specialization. the tax should be like something equivilent not just one item/rune. For example, you said the tax could be a pul rune but what if you dont have a pul rune at the time when the tax is due or what if you do meph runs and only find items.
what i suggest is that the treasurer comes up with a few item equivilents of the tax. And another thing is what would you do with all the pul runes/other tax item of one kind anyway? you said it would be used to help setup tournaments and help new people ect. but atleast to me having 10 or so of the exact same items just doesnt sound logical for trading or even giving away purposes.
If the members follow my plan, and if the bank gets up and going, then hopefully we can use those pul runes to trade for items. There is already a table of equivalents to a pul rune made. Currency would be preferred of course, but if you can't pay the tax I'm sure there is something you could trade for a pul rune. We will find ways to work around any problems we have, just follow the system. Most important is we get this set up. If it works, then good. If not, we can ammend anything that needs to be changed. Like I said, Saturday this should be up and running. Just give me one more day.
It's already in place. All that's left for me to do is open it to everyone joining. I need to write a few guidelines, and that's it. Tomorrow, it will be open for registration.
But this may seriously be a problem for me. Nearly ALL my resources have been used up, and I no longer mf... I might have hard time paying it.... (im not giving 3/20's as taxes!)