Slim1882006: how's that stick been treating you dev?
Aim 1s Gay: stick?
Slim1882006: Yes, the stick.
Aim 1s Gay: It's been trreating me GREAT!
Slim1882006: so kagom wasn't lying about you being gay then?
Aim 1s Gay: yes he was lying!
Slim1882006: you just said his stick was treating you great
Slim1882006: make up your mind
Aim 1s Gay: duno
Slim1882006: so you MIGHT love kagoms stick?
Slim1882006: doesn't that make you bisexual?
Aim 1s Gay: no
Slim1882006: oh, i think it does
Aim 1s Gay: kagom's stick isn't involved in this
Slim1882006: yes it is, you already said it's beeing treating you great
Aim 1s Gay: So how many names you gonna make?
Slim1882006: I only have two, I only really use one.
Slim1882006: but quit changin the subject
Slim1882006: did kagom fill you with love gravy?
Aim 1s Gay: Ah, well I've got 3 different ones on my buddylist
Aim 1s Gay: nope
Aim 1s Gay: I filled your mom
Slim1882006: my mom died a year and a half ago.
Aim 1s Gay: don't change the subject
Slim1882006: you sick, sick fuck.
Aim 1s Gay: I Didint' say she was alive
Aim 1s Gay: Shit
Aim 1s Gay: I'm a pledged Necrofiliack
Aim 1s Gay: XD
Slim1882006: Yeah, this is goin on zelaron
