I had an ohm rune in my stash and it dissapeared...
Can anyone explain to me what happened there? My friends told me it's because the rune was duped but i don't know, the only thing i know is that my rune dissapeared
they were duped runes...happened to a friend who got from his friend who bought them off ebay, lost ohm and jah . but ya duped and disappear, perm kinda i think by socketing into RW
yes..your runes disappeard because they were duped..if you don't upgrade them to the next rune, they will disappear. I had a duped vex that i made for hoto...my whole hoto disappeard..but after like 1 month. you can temp perm them by opening up a trade screen w/ someone, showing them your item, and then leaving the game quickily b4 sum1 w/ the same item leaves. you can "permanantly perm" your item by upgrading it to the next rune.
The ith bug is where you've got a runeword and the runes come out of it but the runeword stays and the mods and stuff stay and you've got a bunch of open sockets.
man a pwnage one would be do that for HOTO haha, that would kick ass it would be like hoto and then rehoto or something i dunno
edit: or a botd cb/zerk u do that and then empty fill the open sockets w/ like fuckin shaels, amn's, ohm's, eth's, w/e u want. or CHAM to freeze. o man!!! have like 30LL on each botd! :O