I decided to post my conversation with some noob in a duel game (this was started by him acting like he's gosu):
(Da_Quickness = Me)
Lily_pad: barb got a botd so that really al he nedds
Lily_pad: and botd and engima canecel thing s out
Da_Quickness: think so?
Lily_pad: that the nicce then about it
Lily_pad: yea
Lily_pad: i have a barb
Da_Quickness: Explain this to me.
Da_Quickness: I'd love to hear it.
Lily_pad: have him take his armor of and use a nother
Lily_pad: watch the %of him hitting u
Lily_pad: it hits more
Da_Quickness: You can't see the % of him hitting you...
Da_Quickness: Wow
Lily_pad: u can
Da_Quickness: That's such bullshit.
Lily_pad: he can ww
Da_Quickness: Armor has no effect on WW frame rates
Lily_pad: he hit 1-3 times with enoimga
Da_Quickness: Only WIAS
Lily_pad: with out he hits 2-4 times
Da_Quickness: uh huh
Lily_pad: nope have a fiend with blzz
Da_Quickness: Right.
Lily_pad: he tells all the glitche
Da_Quickness: I'm sure he does.
Lily_pad: he wontt ell me the way to kill flame bellow gltich
Da_Quickness: I'm sure you have some .09 noobs to go impress now...
Lily_pad: u lag with enigma on
Lily_pad: when u tele
Da_Quickness: No different than any other time.
Da_Quickness: and clientside lag doesn't matter for ww
Da_Quickness: It's what the server has
Lily_pad: u have face ww enmg a sin and bramble sin right?
Lily_pad: brmable ww sin hit more than enigma ones do
Da_Quickness: Dude. Stop trying to sound like you know what you're talking about. Your argument lacks cogency.
Lily_pad: no u just odnt duel alot to c the diff
Da_Quickness: Seriously.
Da_Quickness: Armor is not factored in WW frame calcs
Da_Quickness: There's simply no way.
Lily_pad: if i had my brabme sin rd i owuld show u
Da_Quickness: I fail to see how clientside lag would make you hit less, when the server is the one doing the work.
Da_Quickness: Now if it were SERVER lag, the whole game would lag.
Da_Quickness: Because
Da_Quickness: Client requests are handled in a linear fashion
Da_Quickness: It will hold the rest of the game up until it finishes what it's doing.
Lily_pad: what r u a middle school kid trying to a ct smart
Da_Quickness: lmao
Lily_pad: u r a tard
Da_Quickness: You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Da_Quickness: Away, poser.
Lily_pad: lol i do
Lily_pad: poser
Da_Quickness: Then
Da_Quickness: Tell me
Lily_pad: lol what am i posing u midschool kid
Da_Quickness: How Armor affects WW when it has nothing to do with ww calcs?
Da_Quickness: Believe what you want.
Lily_pad: not going to argue with u u dont know what ur talking about rookie
Da_Quickness: lmao
Da_Quickness: You're funny.
Da_Quickness: I always love people who talk out their ass.
Lily_pad: let c u died by barb and i havent
Da_Quickness: Gee, let's think.
Da_Quickness: This is a MELEE pally.
Da_Quickness: Not a pub dueler.
Lily_pad: dont huert ur self
Lily_pad: so
Lily_pad: im hybrid
Da_Quickness: I'm set up for Zeal vs Zeal
Da_Quickness: Doesn't matter.
Lily_pad: i have a harder time thn u will
Da_Quickness: lmao
Lily_pad: and u r a pally
Da_Quickness: You have block, evades
Da_Quickness: and a ranged attack
Lily_pad: u got higher def
Lily_pad: lol i wast even far away from him
Lily_pad: i was like 3 ft away
Beyond that, he was being a total idiot and I thanked him for the good laugh, and left.
I love this part: "Lily_pad: what r u a middle school kid trying to a ct smart"
He can't spell for beans. Either he has parkinson or he just can't spell cause he has typos all over...
man this is guy a noob seriously he cant spell this is him: hu gysa arentt ti a n00n (hi guys arent i a n00b) man hes a dumbass thank for the laugh volls
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I dueled his Elemental Druid earlier with my WWsin, and he killed me (of course), and he starts going 'owned' like all irritating newblets on D2. I told him to get a character that doesn't take advantage of a glitch, then we'd talk.
Chruser: No, I don't believe it was a Zelaroner, although I did see a member of KoZ in that game, I think.
Thats not what the case was when i dueled ur pala w/ my sin.
Dude i read that convo again. Its so fucking funny..
Da_Quickness: Armor has no effect on WW frame rates
Da_Quickness: Right.
Da_Quickness: Away, poser.
That fag Da_Quickness doesnt EVEN type with COMPLETE SENTENCES. Where the fuck is the subject and predicate on those bottem two, and the period on the top. That kid is SUCH a noob. BTW voll; i never seen ur Lily_Pad guy? Show him to me...