May be a dumb question but whats everyones favorite char class and build?
I just got my hammerdin to 80 but his equipment sux. His damage is nice and can stay alive in hell alone (although I have to watch the damage because I have no clue what to use for his equipment, or I don't have them yet, like a HoZ). Haven't tried to mf with him. Have a meteor sorc right now and I love his mfing skills.
Pally, I didnt use a build, I was like 11, and that is all I played, not online either. By myself I had it to like lvl 92 or somting I did that /8 thing alot.
Now, online its easy to get beatass stuff, so its all like sorceress.
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I like trap assassins, cause they're kinda easy and lazy to play, cast traps an sit back
But, am i the only one that thinks that pally runs like chicken when you look at them from behind? <--- the only reason i can't stand playing with pally but that's just me
for me well....hammerdins are obviously the best rushers NOTHING is immune to them, except for apparently one monster . umm then mf blizz sorc w/ a good merc or a fire sorc w/ holy freeze merc......dueling bone necro not bad but i would have to sayguided arrow zon or something w/ CoH, BoTD bow and ya crazy gear saw one in a duel...she kinda kicked ass!!!