KagomJack said:
I just sprained my damned ankle and now people think someone pushed me or i fell down the whole damn flight of stairs *sigh* talk about a time when you got hurt and a story came up that was 100% untrue.
One time i went to school with some mayonaise on my clothes, and everyone told me, and bugged me about... jokes on them tho, it was semen.
But really, like every time i play basketball, i hit my thumb and cant get any rebounds for a while (i mainly rebound, and shoot close up) but today i hit my thumb 3 times, and i got hit in the face with the ball 3 times...
that was also off topic, but oh well... people used to accuse me of using steiroids in elementary school cuz i was strong, but i was fat, so it couldnt be true.