Posted 2004-04-08, 08:30 AM
in reply to Gunbound's post "Landing on the moon"
Gunbound said:
Ok, I', almost positive this has already been posted on here but I need some websites or some pictures that show that the moon landing was seriously faked.
There is one solid hardcore fact that I know, the russians had WAY more lead plateing on there ships, and they turned back from raidation poisining, and we went on and were not even harmed. Also there were 2 men from NASA who were going to give an "Important press release" and died on the same night before they ever got to it. That is all the hardcore information that I can give.
Otherwise, on some of the pics from the moon you can see that there is light coming from 2 different directions and that the landscapes are reapeating.
Its debatable, I go with the benifit of the doubt, there was a telviosion show a while ago, and it was supposed to be aired on CBS, but they thought that it was too contraversial, so Fox took it, so no one belived it.
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