I was just wondering about how much are sojs worth nowadays...i know b4 patch they were like 100 gold or somthing anyway i was just wondering....any other common prices listed would be helpful to thanks
o ok ty.....another question what is a BoTd worth around and if u say like 5 runes kinda give me a idea of what runes i mean i havn't played like any in 1.1 patch
Non-Ladder, Softcore, UsEast
Last edited by Mr_Excitment; 2004-03-17 at 05:00 PM.
it depends where ur trading!!!!
in the channel its often cheaper, and quicker, using special trade forums u can be surer not to get duoe shit, if u trade with a guy whose trading for some years, and is well known...
and each forum got other prises(or prizes, sry my first language is hungerian...)