I haven't played for a couple days and i cam on this moring tried to make a game and failed to join. Then i joined a oublic game and it worked, and then I tried makeing and joining games and failed 6 times in a row. Anyone know whats happening?
I haven't played for a couple days and i cam on this moring tried to make a game and failed to join. Then i joined a oublic game and it worked, and then I tried makeing and joining games and failed 6 times in a row. Anyone know whats happening?
Yup Same Thing Here I Even Get Timed Out Bs.. I Say We All Go To Blizzard And Kick There Commy Asses.... It Can Be Like Lord Or The Ring Adveture (lol I Guess I Have Lost It It Blizzard Getting To Me I Guess)
Thats Why Im Going To Dedicate My Time To Hack The Bastards
actually Senesia i would have to disagree unless he fails to join with all his chars because i occasionally have a failed to join game or two but if i make a game with a different character it has for me anyways always made a game then i just exit that game and make one with the first character that was failing so my guess is that it is just a glich in the blizzard character login.
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.