Zelda: The Wind Waker, Gamecube
Like all previous Zelda games, this game really gives the player a good understanding of their characters and how they are evolving throughout the game. With side quests galore, plenty of fighting action, and riddles that actually take some thinking, this game is the complete package. The items found/received throughout the game really give our little hero plenty of versatile maneuvers, and justly so with all the obstacles that are encountered along the way. Once the controls are fully understood and tweaked while playing, it becomes overly apparent that nothing was held back in regards to maneuverability. From walking to running, crawling to crouching, sidling to peaking around corners, grappling to mid-air direction changes, and a full out arsenal of kick ass fighting moves and tactics, is there nothing that cant be accomplished?
Of course, the legendary Zelda Theme songs are playing throughout the game, and that alone is enough to get you fired up, especially while in Boss Battles, but other than that, nothing all that impressive was incorporated. Sure, you have our hero making his normal sounds from swinging his sword, jumping, crashing into immovable objects, and the ever depressing hurting sound he tends to make when his life is getting low, however, the interaction with other people is a cheesy, Charlie Brown type of non-language that requires the reading of captions to stay up-to-date.
Gamecube has apparently strayed from the norm in context to the graphics of Link and others is concerned from previous games. The overall appearance of the game is very appealing, and once you come to grips with the larger-headed hero, no complaints can be made. This game is meant to be a fantasy game, and all aspects of this extraordinary epic emerge throughout the game. The bosses are rich with horrifying detail, and there were no real let downs.
This game has all the potential in the world to give the player all the enjoyment they could ask for. Action, suspense, intriguing story line, problem solving, side quests, and plenty of in game challenges all add to the fun that can and should be acquired while playing this game.
In the beginning, I was actually slightly disappointed with the graphics, movement options, and sad type of story line that was starting, but after getting by all the tutorials and reading all the annoying little captions that are ever so necessary to fully understand what is taking place, the overall gameplay increases exponentially. With the acquisition of new items, come new possibilities. A decent memory is also needed to achieve all the side quests presented in the game. There are plenty of things to do from the beginning stages of the game that are not possible until items from later in the game are found/received. Like any games, the beginning formalities tend to get long and drawn out, but believe you me, the fun is only starting once through that.
The replay value of this game is pretty high as well. It is extremely hard to achieve every little side quest, remember what was and wasn't done previously, as well as just going through the game a second time around. I'm sure there are some intruiging options for the second time around, like there usually is for this gaming series.
Enjoy everyone, I know I sure am!
Gameplay: 9 out of 10
Sounds: 7.5 out of 10
Graphics: 8.5 out of 10
Potential: 9.5 out of 10
Opinion: 9.5 out of 10
Overall: 9 out of 10