Posted 2003-12-23, 01:59 PM
in reply to Randuin's post "The OC"
I really enjoy the show, and don't worry, a shit load of people have already busted my chops relentlessly because of it. I was a BH 90210 baby too, so this is right up my alley.
Its a really gay show, but I seem to like it a lot. Oh well. I missed a few shows, but I've somehow gotten them on my computer hard drive, and I'm all caught up now.
Posted 2003-12-25, 06:04 PM
in reply to Randuin's post "The OC"
Yea, the first time I saw it (for like 5 minutes) I was like... wtf this has drama? Then my friend forced me to watch a whole episode, I haven't missed a single episode since.