This was not written by me. I just want your opinions on what you think of it. I am not telling who it was written by just yet...I will later though.
All my life I've dreamed of
of meeting one with immense beauty and
and once I found her I would charm her and
and she'd be mine forever I found her and, indeed she is all that I, wished for and more but she
is not charmed nor intrigued
Then I think to myself what.. can I offer her
The tears warm my eyes and blur my, vision I
stick to my stance of bravado and give her
the same uninterested look that she, gave, me
She was so beautiful
But what.. can I offer her?'s written by that dude...but i didn't want 2 say because i thought if ppl know who wrote it it might sway there opinions...could u please edit that link?