if ur in hell, get loads of psn charms n get widowmaker(works best on pally but no choice here ) n juz guide him till one arrow hits...n let the psn do the dmg , thats wat my zealot do against hammerdins n wind druids or full ik set barbs, or u could use glimmershred or if ur rich lacerators.......they pwn those hammerdins quite fast =)
Fireball Sorc can kill hammeradin. Slow doesnt work on Blessed Hammer.
I think a hammeradin that use enigma could win against a necro. Cause Bone Wall or Bone Prison dont stop Blessed Hammer. So teleporting randomly just casting 1 hammer here and there could make the battle field VERY disturbing.
Trap Ass that use a few 2-3 lightning Facet could be deadly too.