Posted 2003-12-19, 02:24 PM
in reply to Raziel's post "Favorite Zelda?"
Man...I love Zelda games just as much as SC. But top 3 favorites are Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker.
The oldschool ones were fun and so were the gameboy, but I love those three above all. Ocarina of Time has got to be my Favorite.
Majoras Mask took many of the things from the Ocarina of Time, elements and character features. They gave each character more personality and also made many timed events (Like people appearing or doing things at certain times of day). The entire game was pretty big and had many fun elements. Also, the time limit (before moon fall), gave a big challenge. Sometimes I was at a Dungeon and reached the boss 1 hour before the end of the last day, and luckily I win =).
Wind Waker: Man, when I saw this game I thought it would suck. Too Cartoony and giving Link a "Hey Arnold!" Head. I was about to scream for such a disgrace on a badass character. But once I played, I was addicted. The game is Long (mainly due to it being 80% sea). Its full of adventure and many secrets and puzzles. The Boss music is pretty good (I love the Sand Boss Batle one!). This game really gave me HOURS of fun even as an experienced Zelda player.
Ocarina of Time: This I feel is the best game. I was never truly THAT into Zelda until I got this. The game carried a good drama at the very start, luring you into its storyline. Its Dungeon's were challenging and the boss battles were wonderous when I first played. (Anyone here remember saying 'Oh sh*t' when Queen Gohma the spider came down after you looked up? I did!). Come on, you know it was badass fighting that Volcania Dragon or taking the double teaming witches down. Ocarina songs were fantastic and the whole game offered one hell of an adventure for a N64 system. As for challenges: Skull Token Hunts, Heart Containers, the works. Although Majora's Mask comes very close in winning this game by 'enhancing' its flaws, it can never bring the true excitement, fun, and experience I had when first playing this. Ocarina of time gets my vote!

"You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind"
"Im about to overload my aggression inhibitors"
"It says....push any key...er um, which one is the 'any' key?"
"Knowledge is Power. Power--Leads to Corruption. So we all go to school to be Evil!"