yesterday, in iraq while many soldiers were preparing for their thanksgiving dinner, the general got them all together to say bush's words, while bush came out and had dinner with him. Iraq has atleast 1 bomb threat a day, what do people think about him going there at such a high risk?
This doesnt belong in consipiracy. but i think it was the right thing to do. It was under such tight security. Most of the white house didnt know. It boosted the morale for our troops. You shoulda seen their reactions to him. They stood up and started clappign like mad.
well, with bush ... it has todo with the goverment. I think this forum might be the place for this, but if it can fit better, then move the moderators of this forum can move it.
But i think it's good that bush went to iraq...regardless of the bomb threats and what not. It will deffinetly boost the morale of our soldiers...and i guess in some way it shows...i just think it's good that he's there.
it's amazing, how he'd risk his life pretty much on his security. if one word got out, there would've been multiple bomb attempts in his location... pure amazing.