Randuin didn't like it, but I'm sure somebody else will. If you would like to have this signature with your name on it instead, just let me know. I'm only going to let ONE person use it though, so it won't seem like a cookie-cutter sig, so give me a good reason why you should be the "winner"
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
well everyone said it's looked like wagon wheels in the background so i took it off, and my name has othing to do with the army, but thanks for takeing the time to actually make one. if you make me another one do one lke johnny TAE's old one thanx pal.
==god of sharks==
Last edited by ViciousMilitia; 2002-05-05 at 09:24 AM.