Hint, it's not a virus, but a premonition post calculator. In short, you type in your current post count, and it will tell you how many posts you should have in a certain amount of days to keep up.
It also contains a list of all the user titles, with the exception for the secret ones, so let me know what you think about my first C++ program.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
What error did you get? It's supposed to work, since it doesn't use any external files, like DLL's.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
Chruser, you need to make it so after you get the rank it asks you the question again... good for testing ranks... it gets old closing and reopening it. =/
I might implent some user titles after that, but they will be kept a secret for sure
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram