Some lamer tried to give me subseven. He didn't bind it to anything, put a password on it, anything smart. I feel like ping spamming him. I need to know how to get his IP without him having to click anything.
get him on a chat client or anything he is connected to, sniff his IP, then make sure u got a good enough connection to blast outgoing packets till he crashes...
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How do I sniff his IP though? That's what I'm asking. I have this program where if I give him a link and he clicks it, I'll get his IP, but he's not that stupid.
KA go on aim with him an ask to direct connect to him. before u connect to him go into ur command prompt and type in two things, netstat and netstat -n . then connect to him, do it again and see wut ip is there that wasnt there before. take it and u can ping flood him... even though the only thing itd do would crash his internet (only on 56k's) and if he was on dsl he could just reconnect... and if u must give him a link to grab his IP with a port listener , go into aim and click on the link button itl ask for the text and then ask for the actual site, u can type in like anything for text like ,, then ur actual site , xx.xx.xx.xx<ip and boom get his ip.
one of these days im gona get up and scream "stop being stupid!" then everything would be alirght. For seriously.