As you can see, we have a nice little space where the radio link is in Synthesis, and since the radio will no longer work, we would need a replacement. Personally, I have no idea what to put there instead, but removing such a nice space wouldn't be ideal.
Just le me know if you can think of anything.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
i stil say we make a radio, what ever happened to the old 1? remeber where you go to the page and you can vote for a song ect? that 1 was free...wasnt it?
.....Broke the rubba, busted another all up in ya motha, so how u feel like havin another baby brotha? Wha? dont studda, ya pants hangin so low ya new baby brotha can be ya new lova!...... My Personal Website!
I say make it game spotlight... every week a new game gets disected and you can read all about it and see screenshots and player comments... Me and Shade can do one for asherons call 2... and everyweek someone or a group of players play a game and write all about it and put of screenshots... that would be worth reading.