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Read at your own risk: Open Letter to America from a Canadian
Posted 2002-08-18, 06:47 PM

feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

'America, you are a goddamn shame.'


Last edited by Strider Fury; 2002-08-18 at 06:49 PM.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-18, 07:22 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."

canada insult us?



And they mention us watching cops all day, our cops look alot better then there fags on horseback =p
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Posted 2002-08-18, 07:37 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
but seriously though. the article did pointed out some very good points that should be consider.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-18, 07:38 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
hmm... maybe i should've copy&paste the article and leave out the canadian part out...
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-18, 08:57 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
Overall, it's from "A Canadian" and not "Canada" so I wouldn't worry too much.


And so it has come to this. Your once-great nation has fallen into madness, an affliction of mass denial that brings shivers up the spines of millions outside your borders. Yours is a sick nation. But most of you carry on as though nothing at all is the matter.
Once-Great? We're still number one.

Dark, evil operations run rampant in the secret corners of your government institutions.
Such as? *cough conspiracy nut cough*

. A dubiously constituted government pursues war at will anywhere on earth, discussing nuclear options that become points for cheerful chatter over lunch. Your military and intelligence agencies employ terrorist tactics around the globe even as they insist that such tactics are necessary in the fight against terrorism.
Yeah, saving Afganistan from the Taliban was terrorism, pure and simple. And we should NEVER have nuclear options, or options at all, for that matter, even if the enemy gets a hold of some nukes.

Go get your ten-billionth burger, America. Fatten your already fat asses with bacteria-and-hormone-ridden meat and do nothing as you sit stupefied before your mind-numbing television sets awaiting the next episode of sad families being humiliated on "Cops."
Fat? Yeah, a lot of us are fat (I'm an underweight 120 pounds and 6'2"). We put the hormones in the meat to get rid of the bacteria, and there's never been any studies to suggest that the years and years of research put into these hormones are hurting people. And I don't watch Cops.

Your constitution is a shambles thanks to "national security" measures resulting from what might well be U.S.-government-sanctioned terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., covert provocations designed to justify a malevolent, poisonous, oil-based military economy.
In shambles? The whole "detaining US Citizens without charging them with any crime" thing, I don't like. Still, that's the only thing I can think of right now. Government sanctioned? I'm assuming you mean the fact that we sent money to various Middle Eastern countries (who use most of our money to buy markers and carboard, so they can make signs saying 'US THE DEVIL KILL THE WEST') and they funded Osama. Oil based military economy? Yep, we use oil. So does everyone else, including you. Cheap and lots of it for now. And the best military in the world.

Never mind that earth-friendly technology already exists to once and for all end dependence on oil, coal and nuclear energy from huge, out-of-control utilities and corporations. You would rather pay through the nose for your insecure comforts, wouldn't you America, and make others pay with their blood.
Earth-Friendly technology, eh? Is that the technology that Canada uses, so that they never use a drop of oil for anything? Can you research that in the Science Facility, or do you have to build a Barracks and an Armory first?

At the same time, you stand by as the Israelis' secular Zionists--whom you support through the supply of arms and money--slaughter untold numbers of innocents in the West Bank, then blame the Palestinians for bringing the terror upon themselves. (True, there are abominable Arab suicide bombers in Israel's midst. But are they not driven to madness and desperation by your infernal support of international terrorist politics?)
Yeah, let's leave Israel alone. Palestine would never declare all Jews to be the devil, and want to drive them into the sea, or continuously slaughter them. Plus, no one would ever try to invade them, since the Arabs in the region love everyone. On the subject of politics, I don't consider destroying bomber's homes international terrorism... maybe attempting to DO something for themselves.

As I write these words, you support a nation run by a convicted murderer by the name of Ariel Sharon who with impunity is carrying out war crimes as cruel and horrendous as those of other sadistic tyrants in history. And you say, in your utter cynicism, 'When will these Palestinians bring this war to an end?'
War Crimes, such as retaliating against attacks on civilians by attacking the attackers? Yeah, Sharon should just drive HIMSELF into the sea.

You recklessly wage combat on other fronts, too. At home, your War on Drugs is a disastrous 30-year folly--a gigantic con game designed to benefit lethal cartels, corrupt politicians and menacing intelligence agencies across the planet.....
Yeah, we DO suck at that. Point conceded.

With your government's support, crooked multinationals like Monsanto buy up the world's water supplies, and take possession of the world's vegetation through Frankenstein technology already known to cause illness.
Buying up the world's water supplies, that's news to me. I'll drink some of that water, and eat some Frankenstein corn with no parasites and better nutrition, which is NOT known to cause illness. Or perhaps, it is known NOT to cause said illnesses.

Hmph. This is taking too long...

Last edited by BlueCube; 2002-08-18 at 09:40 PM.
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BlueCube enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzBlueCube enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:12 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
Originally posted by Strider Fury
but seriously though. the article did pointed out some very good points that should be consider.
They have good points of always looking at the negative of a country (which anyone could do with any country)...
but it really does not contain any certain facts mostly just opnionated theoratical informations which is typed to sound good

I think that whoever wrote this needs to find something better to do because you do not know what it is like to be American,
it is a Privellage that you do not know and should not be critisizing unless you found a government that actually can do better...

sure you have canada or the UK but none of them try and step in on tyrants who abuse Human rights unless the US does first and there there is no other country that has to deal in such a fashion as we do...

in a part of that article it says we lost our spirtuality, and many other things when most Americans are
1. Themselfs
then 2. American
I think we our one of the only nations striving to represent the people, from within itself and all other countrys are just carefully trotting in out footsteps

Well enough Rambling on take it as it comes

Last edited by JohnnyTAE; 2002-08-18 at 10:16 PM.
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Posted 2002-08-18, 10:24 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
america have done a lot of bad stuff (and likely to be still doing it), and sometimes it just seems wrong that they are still getting away with them. the only thing that america ever repersented is freedom (of speech, etc etc), but that too is slowly being taken away.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.

Last edited by Strider Fury; 2002-08-18 at 10:31 PM.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:28 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
Strider you might think you can see the whole picture because you are at an outside point, but trust me America is still everything it once represented and if that was only Freedom of speech we wouldn't have had so many people come here looking for a better life.... sure we have had our share of difficulties and scandals but when something goes wrong we try to deal with it...

every country has it's shares of scandals and if not it is for a simple fact that it does not have access to the amount of obscuritys America does

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:31 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
look at it the other way; how is canada following in the US footsteps? i'm actually glad that it isnt. canada have always been the peacekeepers around the globe for the UN, not the states. in africa the people are fighting like a WW3, and you rarely ever hear from the americans helping them. if you look at canada, they are the ones who have always truely value freedom no matter what and it is more diverse then the US. there are times when i'm glad to be living in canada, without the fear of terrorst activites and will know that they wont be pissing of any countries.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? sorry johnny, my man, but i think that canada is doing a way better job. they also learn how to keep its citizens safe and think for the best for the people.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.

Last edited by Strider Fury; 2002-08-18 at 10:33 PM.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:38 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
Strider Fury Don't take anything I say in here personal because it is just my opinion on the matter (just a fair warning )
the Truth is Canada and none of the other countrys would be the countrys they are today without the help of the US
and maybe it is true you look out better for the safety of your people then America does but we do try and look out for the well being of the entire world america was just barely in Africa but pulled out because there was no other support from any of our allies in there and also the fact that the world has so many problems all over the place that we were trying to help out too

I think it is pretty Naive to Flame America beens of what a large part it has played on the World But I see your opinions...
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:42 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
i'm a canadian and i think america is doing a good job,yes our government might be corrupt but hey we can't help any of that.
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ViciousMilitia is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenViciousMilitia is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:48 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
granted, US have helped a lot of people, but that doesnt justifly what all the horrible things they've done to other people, and their own. large cities such as LA has been test subjects of US's bio-weapons and even one of their own naval ships in the mid 90's (not sure of the exact time periods). like i said, it just doesnt justifly.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-18, 10:53 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
I believe what you are trying to get at is someones personal affairs, America has tested some horrible things but in many cases they were either what we thought was neccesary at the time or being controlled by some lunatic who scandaled his way into power

Ask the majority of Americans where they would rather be and they would all say they would wanna live here unless it was a tropical vacation type spot

but ask an American if he is happy with the Governments coarse of actions must would say no

the good thing is we are striving to make it a better place
Amerca does not have a central authority over everything it is handled by many different organizations thats why it just takes a bit of time...
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-18, 11:57 PM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
all i have to say is why even start shit? just sit back relax and let other country's do it, thats exactlly what other country's are doing now with america, they refuse to help americans out... honestlly im not saying canada contributes much military wise to help america in these situations but one of the reasons is because canada doesnt want to help america, but they know they need to to keep the peace with america, and because they are neighboring country's, the u.s. allways seems to start shit, and end shit, thats why you guys think "america is the best" but other people think because of those reasons they are "the worst" and thats what that canadian is trying to explain!

No offense to the americans in this forum, dont get pissed at me because this is MY observation and opinion

I give total respect to America from past situations where they have helped everyone out so much, and have been somewhat saviors, and they allways try, but im just saying that sometimes they start the shit for themselves.
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Last edited by "CRØNîC-KîLLå"; 2002-08-19 at 12:11 AM.
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"CRØNîC-KîLLå" is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between"CRØNîC-KîLLå" is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-19, 12:10 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
I see what you are saing but America has learned that every little thing no matter how far away will eventually catch up to you
and America does not just start the Fight we are just reacting to the local tensions previous fightings

Remember WW2 we stayed out of it guess what we still got attacked...
I would like to see what all of you people would be saying now had America Stayed out of ww2 and hitler slowly tore apart your country then went after America after it was through (thats part of our strategy now don't let anything else get so big) trust me it would be a much differnt world and Canada would have been attacked sooner or later

and the Reason I think America is the best is not because of the wars we fought or the current economic status it is because of the Ideals it embodys and the soul we represent

Weres SYG when you need him
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-19, 12:15 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
ok i agree with you, as you can see i edited my post, heh i take it back... but really yes they do start shit by trying to repair "something that is not their problem"... this is usually creating tensions to their country now... this is what happens with many things in life, hell i take myself as an example, i try and help people out, if a fight brakes out at school, i spit it up, because i see how stupid it is... but later on those guys will team on me, beat me, then ill get my friends and beat them 10x harder, in that situation "i created my own problem, instead of trying to fix 1" get what im saying?

best way to solve something is TIME let itself clear itself out.
.....Broke the rubba, busted another all up in ya motha, so how u feel like havin another baby brotha? Wha? dont studda, ya pants hangin so low ya new baby brotha can be ya new lova!......
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Last edited by "CRØNîC-KîLLå"; 2002-08-19 at 12:18 AM.
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"CRØNîC-KîLLå" is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between"CRØNîC-KîLLå" is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-19, 12:22 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
Originally posted by "CRØNîC-KîLLå"
ok i agree with you, as you can see i edited my post, heh i take it back... but really yes they do start shit by trying to repair "something that is not their problem"... this is usually creating tensions to their country now... this is what happens with many things in life, hell i take myself as an example, i try and help people out, if a fight brakes out at school, i spit it up, because i see how stupid it is... but later on those guys will team on me, beat me, then ill get my friends and beat them 10x harder, in that situation "i created my own problem, instead of trying to fix 1" get what im saying?

best way to solve something is TIME let itself clear itself out.
I See what you mean but you know how you feel when you see those ppl pickin on that one person?

you don't want him to suffer right...

thats the way we feel that we need to step in and help these people who cannot defend themselfs against a local tyrant no matter what the cost, and maybe people look on us bad now (which is mainly because people can't handle change or have a political say in the problem because we usally are protectign minoritys of the country) but one day we will be noted for stepping in and giving a hand when others wouldn't

sure we could just let time take it's coarse but how many innocents will have to suffer by then?
and that is if any of them still exist like in Kosavo when there was the attempted Genocide guess what, we stopped that a potential Hitler no more...
I know a guy that moved here from Kosavo and he thanks god every day that we stepped in because he was a Guerilla fighter trying to save his family over there and he said they had no chance at all

Last edited by JohnnyTAE; 2002-08-19 at 12:25 AM.
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-19, 12:29 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
God damn, I'm not even gonna take the time to read this. When someone is SO BORED AND LONELY that they take the time to write a massive letter detailing their distaste for an entire COUNTRY, that person needs to chill out and get himself laid.
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Raziel is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenRaziel is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-08-19, 01:21 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
it just makes us think... that the government who are running the american people is not as innocent as one might think... cause obviously debating here are not going to take us anywere.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-08-19, 01:31 AM in reply to Strider Fury's post "Read at your own risk: Open Letter to..."
thats true but it is good to see other peoples views ect... in certain matters, i know we cant do anything about it, and it isnt going to take us anywhere... but just for the sake of a debate/disscussion it can be good because we actually learn how other people think so we can apply that next time we discuss about something, we will know allready what other peoples views could be from experience so we take that into concideration... it inhances the mind in a way heheh
.....Broke the rubba, busted another all up in ya motha, so how u feel like havin another baby brotha? Wha? dont studda, ya pants hangin so low ya new baby brotha can be ya new lova!......
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"CRØNîC-KîLLå" is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between"CRØNîC-KîLLå" is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between


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