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My epic, "Aphrodite"
Posted 2009-09-28, 12:51 PM
My epic. Everything up until part IV is true. Midway through IV I go into detail on a vivid dream I had and part V is all just elaboration and emotion concerning IV.

I really advise you to read it, at least for artistic sake. The rhyme scheme, for the most part, should flow very well in my opinion. Be advised, it's quite long but try and read, at least through part IV.

Aphrodite Part I
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Things my heart truely want,
Come to me in my dreams.
But only should I see them,
In my sweetest memories.
For, looking back, I cannot find,
A better place to be.
This warm, kind place of innocence,
And what she meant to me.
Her smell, a sweet intoxication,
Petals of the rose.
The whitest leaf Sakura tree,
Her beauty surely knows.
In time, with age and setting suns,
His memories should fade.
But, 'til that time his ecstacy,
In memories he shall wade.
And every time, did they embrace,
Their lips met in a kiss.
A cherished warmth and softness,
That his soul shall surely miss.
Sadly, though, these memories,
Of lying in his arms,
Holds no ground or substinance,
Only they cause harm.
But, lo, behold, a blinding light,
Decends from in the sky.
The lord comes down to cherish her,
But he is left to die.
For it's appointed once to man,
To die for all his sin.
Let me show you, if I may,
And let the games begin:

Aphrodite Part II
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"Cast aside! Cast aside!
"This dock is set on fire!
"The king commands us all to pay,
"When peasants do conspire!"
And, he, a filthy little child,
Beheld such pain whence born.
Grew up to bear the burden,
Of atrocity and scorn.
But as the years had faded,
And such whenches had moved past,
The eleventh year of searching,
He had found his love at last.
Her name, Callipso, Geneveve,
I've no concern to spite thee.
For, surely such a beauty,
Is justly "Aphrodite."
Quickly did this young boy set,
His heartbeat so dividing.
For, soon, he knew that he could love,
This beauty, Aphrodite.
And, cold, they stood, under they moon,
And shared true loves first kiss.
Night sky smiled and blessed them both,
And cherished innocence.
Inseperable, he wished they were,
For parting greatly pained him.
But every night, he'd say "sweet dreams."
And she would surely hear them.
As he turned the lights out,
And set music in the queue,
This beauty, born of Goddess pure,
He'd whisper, "Sweet, I love you."

Aphrodite Part III
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Four seasons passed, and several days,
A year they called their own.
It was, this time, they held each other,
Alone, night, at his home.
Clothed in naughty but beauty,
They would consumate their love.
A first time, broken virgin kiss,
A blissful, snow white dove.
The rapture, entertwining flesh,
The joyous taste of being One.
Would, seasons past and just two months,
Surely be undone.
But yet, her skin, so silky smooth,
Enticing as it may,
Could not distract from what he saw,
His love for her did sway.
Yes, such a joining of their flesh,
Did tear his soul apart.
She blamed it all on him, as if,
She hadn't had a part.
He felt so low and sickly,
For, although his bed she shared,
Months of lust did she fortake,
His heart, she should've cared.
But soon, his pain did ease and though,
They lie and laid together,
His love grew strong and soon, he felt,
His burdens weighed a feather.
And more, they took this rapturous love,
So greedy every night.
And still, he'd nurture unto her,
The love they felt in flight.

Aphrodite Part IV
Click Here

"Aphrodite! Aphrodite!
"Harken unto me, my voice!
"You've lead astray your own poor heart,
"Pretend it's all your choice!"
O, dear one, please! Dear one, hear,
Have you no shame in what you've done?
A wicked spider, bastard child,
Softly, on the webs you've spun.
Sickly, serpent! Little snake,
Decieving beast of treachery!
Cast aside these trappings, hate,
Of all your lechery.
"Please, no!" he cried, as Aphrodite,
Beat him, crushed his heart.
For love, it seems, must have an end,
As if it had a start.
Downhill as the drain must churn,
His heart amongst the sick.
Poured into the sewage, why?
The reasons you must pick.
For he's known only sacrifice,
And how he's bled for others.
For sure, he's selfish, just like you,
But your heart, he'd not smother.
"Oh, please, dear one, my heart will die!"
She beats him more and more.
This Aphrodite, Lucifer,
More judgment, does she have in store.
"Oh God," he begs and pleads and cries,
"Please take me, God, please strike me dead!"
No answer from our Lord is heard,
Aphrodite shares another's bed.
This sickly pit he call his heart,
Or the pieces that remain,
Surely, must he heal them?
Or live in grief and pain?
What awaits the other side,
Must he live alone and wonder?
For, truely, if he have no one,
In pain he'd rather wander.
For pain and torture he'll endure,
To know what he had held.
'Cause in that pain, true beauty lies,
When feelings start to meld.
"Lord please," he'd pray and sure enough,
The clouds will soon part way with sky.
His prayers are answered, truthfully,
He's only one year left to die.
And in this scope, a range of light,
A friend of his will die.
He'll mourn, for never would his hand,
Cause others pain to which they cry.
And comfort? No. No solace found.
Her greiving heart must mend alone.
As fake as her love was with him,
His arms won't welcome her to home.
For he has seen what, in the end,
Becomes of Aphrodite.
And surely as you read these words,
I've no intent to spite thee.
But, look to the sky, on May fifteenth,
As the sun should fade.
As lightning cracks, he'll crash and die,
His sin shall be repaid.
And Aphrodite, dearest one,
Poor thing, she cries and cries.
Around her, both her lovers,
And her brother, all have died.
They sink into the darkness, cry,
For roads are slick with water.
And poor, dear one, the sole survivor,
Wait until you falter.
Soon, you'll know the pain he's felt,
And justly find the knife.
With courage he could never muster,
Aphrodite takes her life.
Three hours, will she bleed so slow,
Rivers must her life run dry.
She'll ask forgiveness of her Lord,
But she will surely die.
In grief, she'll trust she'll be recieved,
That God will have such loving grace.
But such is an abomination,
Hell shall be her place.
And, oh, young goddess, shall they dance,
Once left to hold the keys?
Or shall deafness grace his ears tonight,
And muffle all your cries and pleas?
For when he needed solace most,
And when his loving friend should care,
Miss Aphrodite shunned his tears,
Her selfishness, no love, did spare.
So now, no blood could bring you warmth,
As you've no love to share.
No shoulder shall you cry on now,
About your soul, he couldn't care.
Your tomb is wicked, little child,
You've sealed yourself in stone.
Inside the furnaces of hell,
Your sins you shall atone.
But, as he speaks, this dream unfolds,
As more that memories.
Surely, shall this come to pass,
This love that is disease.
Filth and spread in all our lives,
You cause three hearts to die.
They'd all come to rescue you,
On their graves you'll cry.
I'm pleading, dear, in truth I speak,
For I have seen the wounds.
I've seen your blood, your essence leave,
Your eyes as gray as tombs.
The light you shine shall surely fade,
But this is only prophecy.
That you might know is grace and love,
But my words shall fall deaf to thee.
You could have changed and stayed alone,
That rape, you'll never know.
But one small change and you'll discover,
Blood shall stain the snow.
Wicked, wicked hearts at work,
To damn thee, I should say.
But 'til the time comes, let's begin,
Our love games we shall play.

Aphrodite Part V
Click Here

“Seasons! Seasons! Do discern,
“The timeliness of death!
“Or rather would you suffer now,
“So crushed beneath the depths?”
Calloused hands have wrenched apart,
This locket ‘round his chest.
Concerned with guilt and sickly, though,
The demon knows what’s best.
Break and broken, dirty slave,
You’ll never have his heart.
You’ve lied and hurt him all too much,
Take leave and now depart.
You filthy, slandered parasite,
Your mind he’d like to know.
To pray on fears of loneliness,
To force you through the snow.
The cold, the dark, the demons lair,
The place you sent him to,
Has only served to armor him,
And now, he’ll run you through.
To thrust his blade so deep, until,
Your heart is pierced and bleeding.
Your cries and screams and sobs,
His soul is deaf unto your pleading.
“Silence, witch!” He yells at thee,
“Release these bonds from us!”
His tongue, his sword, his weapon,
And into her soul it’s thrust.
And like a knife, his words have sliced,
A hole into her mind.
That she may come to sanity,
Oh, such a fate too kind.
“Oh, dear one, I’ve dreamt of this.
“I’ve seen you at the cliff.
“My chance to pull from the edge,
“And yet, my arm stays stiff.”
And as the, crying goddess hangs,
Her fingers bound to quit,
His words, his sword, will cut her down,
Her plunge into the pit.
Turning, he should walk away,
Rejoicing in his work.
But Aphrodite, goddess, demon,
Rises with a smirk.
Her flames incinerate the bones,
His being caught on fire.
And Aphrodite, evil soul,
Shan’t let his soul expire.
Not without a curse and time,
Eternity will falter.
Her rancid mouth devours him,
Until her death does call her.
Tearing, ripping, agony,
The poor boy, once again.
Aphrodite suffers he,
This doll stabbed with her pins.
Such a ragged, little toy,
Distraught and with no end.
No solace from Miss Aphrodite,
Never will he mend.
Vile beast, oh evil harlot,
Diseased as you may be,
Your death or pain, he does not wish,
Though you demand of he.
His prayers ascend to God above,
To save you from your sins.
That love you find, though separate,
Should you remember him.
Plead and plead, he intercedes,
That you’ll not take your life.
And when you lose the three of them,
You’ll need not bear the knife.
That either all are left unscathed,
By joining them in death.
That you may see the brightness,
And God’s mercy should be kept.
He’s lost his will to cry for you,
So long since he last had.
That he might die, his hope,
That he shall never see you sad.
And fate, dear one, has been so cruel,
That you might find respite.
But May Fifteenth, your end at last,
Go quickly through the night.
And laugh, dear one, so you might see,
The color from your eyes.
That we should be the reasons,
That will cause all of your cries.
Tears, so sweet, so delicate,
Erupt from deep within.
The two who cherished you so much,
Are dead now from your whim.
Oh, that time and fate may change,
To save four lives in vain.
To take away your tears and sobs,
That you may not know pain.
And yet, one part of he that dreams,
Desires such an end.
That he may die and take the thief,
That you cannot defend.
To know you cry and suffer now,
That you may take your life.
That you may burn in hell for sin,
For you can’t handle strife.
But, retribution never heals,
The scratches of the heart.
And so, we’re locked incessantly ,
Our bearings we can’t chart.
So, sleep dear one, as you may dream,
Of happy, peaceful days.
Deserving such contention now,
This love is just a phase.
He prays you sleep so sweetly now,
For when your time has passed,
You’ll know no love or warmth from God,
Into the pit, you’re cast.
But, please, I beg you, listen here,
So you might find your life:
Cast aside such lustful deeds,
That you might be his wife.
For who you have, the crooked thief,
The dreaming, lying pawn,
Shall lead you to eternal fire,
You’ll follow on and on.
But if you cast aside the bastard,
Tear his heart out too,
You cannot turn to these old arms,
Your lies can’t barter truth.
He’d rather see you plunge so deep,
Than take you back with love.
Your sickly filth has spoiled here,
That you would speak thereof.
Condemned, you’ll be exalted,
The pit, you’ll raise from sea.
For surely such a demon,
Now, is justly Aphrodite.

Comment? Take a quote you like, or need me to explain and I'll try to respond.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-09-29, 12:35 PM in reply to Wed-G's post "My epic, "Aphrodite""
Add a little -herm and you've got Lady Gaga

She's definitely not a she.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-09-30, 07:45 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "Add a little -herm and you've got Lady..."
I'm glad you're such an eloquent, art-minded person.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-10-03, 05:43 PM in reply to Wed-G's post "My epic, "Aphrodite""
I tried to get through it, but to me it all just came out as words arranged to rhym. I was never a poem person, but I'm trying to understand them more, considering I've been reading alot of plays.

But, since I couldn't really tell what was going on, I can't say much. It's obvious you put work into it, and I'll probably read it again later and understand it. So for now, I'll just rep. you for hard work.
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-10-04, 07:01 AM in reply to Skurai's post starting "I tried to get through it, but to me it..."
Skurai said: [Goto]
I tried to get through it, but to me it all just came out as words arranged to rhym. I was never a poem person, but I'm trying to understand them more, considering I've been reading alot of plays.

But, since I couldn't really tell what was going on, I can't say much. It's obvious you put work into it, and I'll probably read it again later and understand it. So for now, I'll just rep. you for hard work.
Thanks. I actually expected others to read it as well. But, I guess the creative ones left.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-10-04, 05:39 PM in reply to Wed-G's post starting "Thanks. I actually expected others to..."
No, we're all creative. Just in a different way than you.
From what I can see, most of these people are creative enough to be on MTV, but that's about it. No actual t.v.
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-10-05, 05:10 AM in reply to Skurai's post starting "No, we're all creative. Just in a..."
Skurai said: [Goto]
No, we're all creative. Just in a different way than you.
From what I can see, most of these people are creative enough to be on MTV, but that's about it. No actual t.v.
Hah. Good one. MTV sucks.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-10-05, 10:19 PM in reply to Wed-G's post "My epic, "Aphrodite""
This must have taken a lot of work. Kudos.
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2009-10-06, 02:00 AM in reply to Grav's post starting "This must have taken a lot of work...."
I like it! So, this is from who's point of view, an on-looker? Or the man who's heart she broke? It sounds like it could be both...

Also, just makin' sure I got this right... It's about a couple who decide to make love for the first time, and he finds out she isn't a virgin? Or he finds out she is cheating on him during that time... And then, he leaves her and basically tries to rebuild or mend his heart as she continues on seemingly unaffected. Then [The Narrator] goes on to assume the other guy doesn't know, (and I'm assuming the reader is meant to assume he doesn't... but I personally never believe that...) but he feels bad for him, for when he finds out he may love this woman, she isn't as faithful as she tries to appear, and he hopes that he sees through her deception, thus leaving the 3 broken hearts... I don't know why her brother had to die, but yeah, screw that bastage too! LOL! But then it ends with him saying that she may still be saved? somehow?

Yeah... maybe I read it wrong... it IS about midnight... But it sounds like it was written long ago. Like, the use of God in it makes it seem like it was written when God actually meant something to people... Not that he doesn't now-adays, he just doesn't have the same presence that he used to... x_x I'm not tryin' to diss the religion or nothing, so if it sounds like that, sorry...
Jan. 1926 - Dec. 2010 est.

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Spy Hard
Agent WD-40:
Well, you carry a UB-21 Schnauzer with an OPS Silencer, that's KGB, You prefer an 18-K over an AK, Your surveillance technique is NSA, Your ID is CIA, you recieved your PHD at NYU, traded in your GTO for a BMW, you listen to CD's by REM and STP, and you'd like to see JFK in his BVDs getting down with OPP and you probably put the toilet paper back on the roll with the paper on the inside...
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Draco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-10-06, 12:09 PM in reply to Draco2003's post starting "I like it! So, this is from who's point..."
Good interpretation. Close but not quite.

The narrator and Aphrodite fall in love and, after a year and a few days make love for the first time. Almost a year and a half later, she leaves him for the thief. She hurt his heart until his wishing death. Then, in the end, her new lover, her old lover and her brother die and she kills herself in the end because she choose herself over love and others.

True story until the prophecy begins.

Also, she may be saved. But she'll never have either lovers again. She must choose neither to live.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass

Posted 2009-10-18, 04:27 PM in reply to Grav's post starting "This must have taken a lot of work...."
Grav said: [Goto]
This must have taken a lot of work. Kudos.
Actually, I wrote part I-IV in the space of two hours. I used my ipod because I didn't wish to get it out, so I could've finished quicker if I had.
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Wed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of massWed-G is an uncelestial body of mass


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