Godly WW Barb could get enough hits in to keep up life not to mention his natural res. but smiters are the best for the ubers, *However* the minions are quite a bitch and smiters can be killed pretty easily by those little bitches, the hammerdins are nice to get rid of em but I have a feeling they would get dominated since they have no life leech, so a decked out zealot/ww barb are good partners to keep them busy, but if you want to have some real fun i bet one of those bonemancers/summoners you can have a nice little war and if you want to dominate them, get a FoH'er, Medic-adin, Bowzon/javazon, Hammerdin, Sorc of some sort. Honestly you could take 8 different types of palidan builds and own them too. Be kinda cool if we did that, just make a specialty war party til kill ubers and baal runs. Split profits 8 ways oh and i hear there are bots out...tru/false? and if tru are people being banned and where the hell is that mh?!
XboxLive: x2xExZ
D2jsp: Your_Mom