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darknessrules3 2005-12-19 12:04 PM

What kind of char do you think is good to kill uber trist guys with??
such as javazon hammerdin etc.

(i have to restart cause i havnt played in over 3 months :( so my old account is useless)
i had nigma botd and tons of hi :cry:

celaron 2005-12-19 01:13 PM

same here, lost all ;)

quite fun starting from zero,... look at resistances of ubers..... i am not so familiar with the 11 patch, sry

Kaneda 2005-12-19 02:26 PM

Playing from zero is awsome. I started again right around when ladder reset, now I'm the bomb. heh jk...kinda.
The best character to kill ubers w/ is by far a smiter. Then a godly zealer, then (I've heard a cs zon can do it, and I suppose it would be possible for a kicker to do it, but you would have to tweak the fuck out of her setup, and it would be very hard.

Sovereign 2005-12-19 05:54 PM

Hammer is the only choice unless you can deck out a godly barb.

Kaneda 2005-12-19 06:56 PM

Uh what Sov? Theyre immune to magic. So hammers are just good for the minions. Then barbs don't have the 100% chance to hit. They die alot more. Even a decked out zealer would be better.

SlickFic04 2005-12-19 07:49 PM

Godly WW Barb could get enough hits in to keep up life not to mention his natural res. but smiters are the best for the ubers, *However* the minions are quite a bitch and smiters can be killed pretty easily by those little bitches, the hammerdins are nice to get rid of em but I have a feeling they would get dominated since they have no life leech, so a decked out zealot/ww barb are good partners to keep them busy, but if you want to have some real fun i bet one of those bonemancers/summoners you can have a nice little war and if you want to dominate them, get a FoH'er, Medic-adin, Bowzon/javazon, Hammerdin, Sorc of some sort. Honestly you could take 8 different types of palidan builds and own them too. Be kinda cool if we did that, just make a specialty war party til kill ubers and baal runs. Split profits 8 ways oh and i hear there are bots out...tru/false? and if tru are people being banned and where the hell is that mh?!

celaron 2005-12-20 02:54 AM

hm, we must all play ladder on the same realm then... like in the past here--> impossible.

i am playing very often!
/f add *celaron

Sovereign 2005-12-20 03:35 AM

I'm pretty sure the hammers still hurt them.....

Truth be told I have only faced them twice. Both times I was playing as an aura supporter.

darknessrules3 2005-12-20 07:47 AM

hammerdin should hurt them since uber diablo (getting anni) it is the best to use against him. and he's got magic resist
hmmm (you guys play on west??) i could use some help :)

celaron 2005-12-20 02:55 PM

i am on east... maybe we could update the accname and realm list... *rolleyes*
(i know, most here dont like me, because i strictly dont use aim *gg* *jokin*)

Acer 2005-12-20 04:40 PM

Smiter/Zealer for the win... its what I made. Haven't tried yet... still working on shit, but i know im the pwn

Kaneda 2005-12-20 06:59 PM

I know for a fact that hammerdins cannot damage them. True they don't have life leach but as long as Im not in Mephistos aura range then my hammerdin works over everything else. Plus all melee chars love conc+fanat. Its true you can do it with many different character setups, and summon necros are nice, but they usually die pretty quick.
D2jsp is out, but its single/open only. It is free though to an extent. I haven't played in 2months, so I don't know what happeneing w/ MHs. Ta ta

Go Suns!

Acer 2005-12-20 07:35 PM

Yeah i think my smiter/zeal pally and a hammerdin pally would do great together. also life tap is nice

HandOfHeaven 2005-12-20 08:05 PM

Magic does damage them.

Kaneda 2005-12-20 10:02 PM

So? What are you trying to say.

Slavetothemetal 2005-12-21 09:54 AM

OMFG ok listen up all of you who said to make a hammer din you need to be shot hammer dins suck for ubers what u need to make is a zealer or a smiter. I have a lvl 83 zealer and can do all ubers and uber trsit by myself in 3 mins. It will take you a year to kill them with a hammer din and u will die alot. A zealer or a smiter are the best chars for ubers unless u make a ww barb with 2 ebotd cbs, for, arrets, steel rend, gore rider, bks, maras, and a good belt with a torch and an anni. than a barb would be good but a zealer or a smiter is your best choice

Sorry for any spelling errors i am in a hurry.

Acer 2005-12-21 09:59 AM

how is your Zeal layout?

Slavetothemetal 2005-12-21 10:02 AM

For my Zealer i use ebotdz shako gore rider, dracs, coh, exile, raven frost, maras, necro torch for res, anni, tgods, cta

Dar_Win 2005-12-21 01:28 PM

I just tried to log on to my accound after like six months of not playing, and all my characters were gone. :(

HandOfHeaven 2005-12-21 03:02 PM

I was just stating that they could be hurt by magic, since you had said that they were immune. Doesn't mean it's much damage, though.

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