Hi!my name is bryan.
i've been seeing a psychologist for awhile and hes been trying to help me make friends since its been 3 years since i ever had 1!!
Well anyways one day he went a convention were proffesinal doctors discussed autism. Some thing that i have been diagnosed with.
Well aparently when you get the first immunizations when you were a baby, some people got mercury implanted into their blood.After awhile the mercury makes its way to the brain and corrupts certain processes. Now whenever someone who has had this happen to them , eats anything that remotely relates to wheat gluten they will get opium from the posions of the food.
Here are the symptoms.
1.lactose or diary intolerant(i have this)

2.after eating bread you start to make silly mistakes like not catching a football,sitting in wrong squadline, forgetting what day it is or where you are.
3.and one that may or may not be 1 is thinking homosexual thoughts.
For some reasons ill think homosexual thoughts while alround my father,brother or eacher etc...
4.loner or an asshole.
Are you Autistic?