Wheat Gluten Free Diet
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Posted 2005-05-11, 10:25 AM in reply to
's post
"Wheat Gluten Free Diet"
Those are not symptoms of autism. He's either, autistic and doesnt know what he's talking about. Or he's making it up.
Yes, vacinations can be bad. And yes I would suggest if any of you have any children you dont get them for them. In adults overt mercury exposure has been known to affect motor function, causing shakes, slurring of speech and physical impairment. Some of which are also symptoms of autism. But thats high levels in adults. Im sure children being weaker would be at more risk to low levels of mercury poisioning. I have no idea where hes getting this wheat gulten stuff from.
All in all, Kroft you should be thanking you parents for you slight retardation. You cant be to bad off though since you can conversate w/ us online.