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Posted 2007-03-30, 05:17 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "Fair enough. What's for tea..."
I only drink sweet tea.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-03-30, 05:24 PM in reply to Draco's post starting "A system that lets the weak fall to the..."
Draco said:
Hey, did you know that Hitler himself believed in evolution?
He was also a vegitarian. Does that mean that we should discredit all vegitarians becuase he believed it was a healthier eating choice? Obviously he as a crazy man!

Way to poison the well, yo.

EDIT: I totally missed everyone saying pretty much what I said. It's still true, though.
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Jamesadin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJamesadin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2007-03-30, 06:00 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post starting "He was also a vegitarian. Does that..."
James, be more active yo.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-03-31, 02:31 PM in reply to Jamesadin's post starting "He was also a vegitarian. Does that..."
Jamesadin said:
He was also a vegitarian. Does that mean that we should discredit all vegitarians becuase he believed it was a healthier eating choice? Obviously he as a crazy man!

Way to poison the well, yo.

EDIT: I totally missed everyone saying pretty much what I said. It's still true, though.
No... you completely missed the point...
All I meant is that science helped to cause the war.... that all I ment...
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Draco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDraco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2007-03-31, 03:04 PM in reply to Draco's post starting "No... you completely missed the..."
Religion is the cause of most wars. Maybe you should get together with the damn missionaries that just came to my appartment and wasted 5 minutes of my life trying to force their religion down my throat.

The first thing I told them was "I'm not interested."

What do you think they did next?

"Do you believe in Jesus Christ" blah blah I'm a retard blah blah.

After about 5 minutes of telling them I'm not convertable and I don't believe their rediculous religion I finally had to slam the door in their faces because they wouldn't go the hell away.

That's the problem with religion, most religions can't accept the fact that someone else doesn't believe what they believe, so they do everything in their power to convert people. These guys thought they were doing me a favor by trying to convert me, when not only did they waste my time and their time, but they got me pretty pissed off in the process.

This doesn't just apply to religions however, for instance our government is trying to "bring democracy" to other countries. Who the hell decided democracy is the best form of government. I'm not saying it isn't, but let other people make their own decisions.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-03-31, 04:20 PM in reply to Draco's post starting "Let me put it to you as best as I..."
Draco said:
In cells the ribosomes(which act like the reading head of a tape player) read the DNA sequences and from that determines the next chemical to go into the chain that is being built. Say the ribosome reads GGC. If the ribosome reads GGC it will know that the next chemical to go in will be Glycine(I believe is how it is spelled)... GCC does not make Glycine it just represents that particular chemical, so you know that intelligence has predrtermined what this represents.
Coming from you, that sounds surprisingly accurate aside from the last statement. Yes, codons determine which amino acid is to be made, but that does not imply that some sort of intelligent being matched codons with amino acids. Codons match a particular amino acid due to a complex set of biological reactions. Exactly why a particular codon matches a particular amino acid is not well known yet, I believe, but that does not mean we can conclude that some supreme intelligence sat around one day and matched the two up. You're simply creating a god of gaps. Earlier, people did not know why there was lightning or thunder. They explained it by God. You're using the same methodology here. Once scientists figure out why one codon is code for creating a particular amino acid, god will simply go away again.

Here is an experiment... say I have a bowl, and I take 1,000 cards that have the letter 'A' on them and put them into the bowl, and I take 1,000 cards of B, C, all the way to Z in to the bowl(now I have 1,000 cards of every letter in the alphabet in the bowl) then I mix them up in to a random assortment... then say I reached in and grabbed the letter 'J', then say we do it again and I pull out 'A'... so now I have 'JA' as a completely random sequence of lettrers. Now I ask you, what does 'JA' mean? It means absolutely nothing... there is nothing that is set in stone that says 'JA' means something...

Now how could a random collection of acids possibly come together and form something if it has no idea what to do with certain chemical sequences if there is nothing to be represented...
Adenine, thynine, cytosine and guanine are not random collections of acids. They are nitrogenous bases. And codons are translated into amino acids by ribosomes, as you already stated. I thought you would know that. It is not nearly as random as drawing letters and making a word. Every tri-nucleotide chain that is not responsible for determining the genotype of an organism codes the creation of a particular amino acid. There are only 64 possible tri-nucleotide combinations, and each of them are code for a particular amino acid.

A more accurate analogy than the one you presented would start off with four letters thrown in a hat. The language you spoke would only consist of 64 word. Each word in your language was only three letters long. What would be the chance that if you drew 3 random letters you would form a word? Easy. 100%.

Well... acutally the plan was perfect, not the design... Adam and Eve had perfect Genetics, but over time due to Genetic mutations and the pulling of ourselfs out of natural selection(by use of medicine and stuff like that) we slowly corrupted our genetics...
ROTFLOL!!! "We slowly corrupted our genetics." AHAHAHAHA. "Adam and Eve had perfect genetics." You crack me up. Sadly, I'm not sure you even understand why I'm laughing at you.

You don't remember the cold war do you? It was a war of power and technology lead the way... Everyone did and still do want atomic power...
It's already been mentioned, but I think it's significant enough to reiterate that the Cold War was not a war with millions dying. Yes, it was a race to be more scientifically advanced, but that was it.

I will get back to you on all of this... I just need to find some time to be able to sit down for atleast an hour and reply.... If it looks like I forgot about it, tell me...

Draco said:
Hey, I found a video about a guy who once believed in evolution but after looking at certain animals he realized they don't fit into the evolutionary process... with this one he was looking at a bug called the bombardier beetle...

I have watched 28 seconds of the video and realized that this guy is a moron. First of all, he says evolution starts with the big bang. This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Ever since Darwin wrote the Origin of Species, biologists have vehemently denied that the origin of the universe, or even abiogenesis for that matter have anything to do with evolution. Evolution starts after abiogenesis.

Second, he describes the big bang as "basically everything went kaboom." What. The. Fuck. Honestly. This guy is a doctor? THERE WAS NO FUCKING EXPLOSION IN THE BIG BANG!

I'll get back to you after I watch the next 30 seconds. Or maybe after I watch the rest.

Now I'm at 1 minute. This guy makes me laugh almost as much as you. He's either a make-believe doctor, or he's recently suffered memory loss.

"Somewhere in the water on earth something got zapped by an x-ray or something and then all of a sudden you have this little spec of life." I'm paraphrasing, but that's the essence of what he said. This guy isn't presenting any scientific facts. It's evident in his tone that all he's doing is setting himself up to belittle the idea of evolution with fabricated facts. He goes on to say that this little spec of life somehow became the first cell. Riiight. If he was a doctor he would know that the cell was the basic unit of life. Anything before that wasn't really considered life.

I'll get back to you when I feel like it.

I am now at 1 minute and 6 seconds. In the previous 6 seconds, the moron has managed to claim that cells began forming 600 million years ago. The ediacaran period already had animals. We know this due to sparse, yet real (a concept this man might want to learn about) fossilized records. The reason I am responding this frequently to this video is because I can't remember all the misinformation this guy gives out without having to reply to each one individually when he says it.

I am now at a 1:21 in the video. During the last 15 seconds, some random guy popped up and gave us a brief background of "Dr." Jobe Martin. I decided to do some research on my own. From the minute I spent on google, I found out that Martin is an evangelical, which of course implies a hidden agenda. His masters is in theology. So basically, here's a guy who took basic biology courses, and we're supposed to believe him over professors and doctors actually in the field of biology? Especially considering the fact that after 30 seconds he gave out enough misinformation on any scientific topic that after hearing that any major university would consider him a quack. Please. He may be able to be a professor of theology, but he's a joke of a scientist. You don't need a huge biology background to become a fucking dentist.

I'm now at 2:23 in the video. He goes on talking about assumptions that evolutionists make. He does not actually name the assumptions, he just says that we make them. The one assumption that he does specify is the age of rocks. I suppose he does not understand the concept of radiometric dating? And yes, it is accurate. Carbon-14 dating loses some of its precision past 50,000 years due to earths changing environment, however there are other methods of radiometric dating which do not. They match up well against each other, and other independent forms of dating such as tree rings, Milankovitch cycles, and luminescence dating methods.

I have now finished the video. "Dr." Martin simply gave us an argument of incredulity. He can not conceive how the beetle would have formed, therefore it could not have formed is not a sufficient argument. And, in fact, I've heard this bullshit about the bombardier beetle quite a few times before. He's not original. And there are many plausible evolutionary paths that this animal could have taken, and they're not difficult to find if you search google. I'm not going to actually look for one right now, but they do exist. Look them up.

Evolution is so unforgiving, isn't it?
Scientific theories aren't compiled because they seem nicest, they are compiled because they fit the evidence.

A system that lets the weak fall to the wayside...

atleast the vast majority was given a warning about eternal suffering and yet people ignore it, and the system allows anyone to be pulled away from the eternal suffering(which is the forgivness)...
I disagree. If God exists, he is a horrible deity. How dare the potter blame the pot for its flaws. If his standards are so fucking high, why would he make his vessels so flawed. And he holds them accountable. You're saying that a system without any intelligence that is only guided by the laws of the universe is less forgiving than an intelligent, omnipresent and omnipotent being who allows children and babies to die as the flood waters slowly rise over their heads? And what about the mothers who had to watch their babies die before they themselves were drowned. You're telling me that this guy who has control of everything is more forgiving than a system which can't control itself when he lets the first-born be slain by the pharoah? Hell no. This is a perfect being who controls everything. He allows and condemns his creation to suffer and die, when he made us flawed. Evolution does no such thing. If God does exist, I'd take my chances in hell rather than join a sadomasochistic, megalomaniacal asshole.

Hey, did you know that Hitler himself believed in evolution? That was the main reason behind his 'perfect race' of blond haired, blue eyed people... he thought they were the closest to Arian so he started to kill anyone that did not fit the discription... too bad he didn't look in the mirror...
This is irrelevant to the validity of evolution. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

All I was saying is that if science had not created the power we woulden't have had the war....
The space race was part of the cold war, not the reason behind the cold war. The cold war was a war of ideological differences. And science makes the art of war more deadly and precise. It does not actually cause wars.

I know there were no war casualities, but if it had begun a full scale war, we possibly would not be here posting right now... Also, you are missing the point... the only reason I brought up hitler was to prove that science can lead to war, in this case a world war....
Science did not lead to WWII. Hitler's bogus ideologies did.

Now tell me... after all the scientific proof I have shown you you still believe in evolution?! I mean come on... the bombardier beetle could not have evolved, no matter how fast or slow... it would have killed itself(loud pop, then silence...) or been killed off...
Google it.

... also, if you think about evolution, it is a perfect system... in order for evolution to work the 'evolved' creature would have to be only survivor in order for the benifit to survive, otherwise the benifit would have been spliced back into the gene pool...
For the love of God, please be more coherent with your writing. I would like to respond to what you said, because from the little I could make out from that it seems like you are confused, but I can't make much out from that.

the more you breed the less of a gene pool you have to pull from...
That's simply not true. Why do you say that?

take a toy poodle(example) it's smaller than a normal poodle, but if you breed two toy poodles together you can only get a toy poodle(of equal or lesser size)...
1.) A toy poodle can be bigger than both of its parents.

2.) Yet, even at birth, the child's genome could not be traced simply by knowing its parents genome, even if every single permutation of the parents genome was found. This is due to genetic variation. Enough genetic variation, and the animal stops being a toy poodle.

his is a loss of information, everytime a dog is breeded to be smaller or longer or whatever the genetic traits from being tall or short are weeded out....
Breeding isn't natural selection, is it. And even dogs that are bred to be tall or short can gain a gene which codes the opposite phenotype by genetic variation.

so for evolution to work our ancestors must have had similar genetics to our ancestors....
Our ancestors have similar genomes to our ancestors.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-03-31, 07:38 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Coming from you, that sounds..."
Don't take this the wrong way, but this is the first time I've fully read one of your posts in an argument, MJ. Usually I just skim over it looking for key phrases that indicate ridicule.

I wonder if Draco has any unexplained gingers in the family. That might help to explain genetic variation to him a bit. Either that or a large hammer will do the trick.
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-03-31, 09:37 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Religion is the cause of most wars. ..."
Off-topic: That's why I like Buddhists. They dont' try to force ANYONE to convert (except a few Indian kings a few centuries ago, but as a whole they're pretty cool).
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2007-04-02, 10:02 AM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "Off-topic: That's why I like Buddhists...."

KA has forced me to get a flash blocker. -_-
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-04-02, 03:01 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "*sigh* KA has forced me to get a..."
One thing: Hitler waged his war on the stance of racism. It was all the craze to blame Jews for everything at the time. Hitler got most of his ideas on how to persecute the Jews from the Catholic Church. Even the famed "Protestant Reformation" leader Martin Luther was EXTREMELY against Jews. He condoned hate crimes and even murdering of them.

Look at what the father of the Protestant faith has to say about Jews.


Germany needed someone to blame for their failure to win World War 1. They were content to believe that Jews who had infiltrated the highest levels of the Germany government surrendered to the Allies when they could still win the war.
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Willkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2007-04-02, 03:21 PM in reply to Willkillforfood's post starting "One thing: Hitler waged his war on the..."
Jews have always been persecuted. A large majority of Russian Tsars persecuted the Jews. Kaiser Wilhelm II persecuted the Jews to some degree. Strangely, Bismarck didn't, instead choosing to persecute the Catholics with Kulturkampf.
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-04-02, 03:30 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "Jews have always been persecuted. A..."
The safest place the Jews have had so far seems to be America.
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Willkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusionWillkillforfood read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2007-04-04, 06:18 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "Religion is the cause of most wars. ..."
!K¡ng_Amazon! said:
Religion is the cause of most wars. Maybe you should get together with the damn missionaries that just came to my appartment and wasted 5 minutes of my life trying to force their religion down my throat.

The first thing I told them was "I'm not interested."

What do you think they did next?

"Do you believe in Jesus Christ" blah blah I'm a retard blah blah.

After about 5 minutes of telling them I'm not convertable and I don't believe their rediculous religion I finally had to slam the door in their faces because they wouldn't go the hell away.

That's the problem with religion, most religions can't accept the fact that someone else doesn't believe what they believe, so they do everything in their power to convert people. These guys thought they were doing me a favor by trying to convert me, when not only did they waste my time and their time, but they got me pretty pissed off in the process.
Sorry you had to go through that.... People have to remember that you have a choice, to believe or not to believe... all they should have done was ask if you were interested and left it at that...

!K¡ng_Amazon! said:
This doesn't just apply to religions however, for instance our government is trying to "bring democracy" to other countries. Who the hell decided democracy is the best form of government. I'm not saying it isn't, but let other people make their own decisions.
Our government is allowing people to have a choice.... over in Iraq, those people were forced to things they did not wan't to do... they were forced to vote for someone at gun point, they were also forced to believe in Islam(if they didn't they would be considered as an "infedel" and be killed)... so our government is helping them....
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Draco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDraco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2007-04-04, 06:21 PM in reply to Draco's post starting "Sorry you had to go through that......."
Draco said:
Our government is allowing people to have a choice.... over in Iraq, those people were forced to things they did not wan't to do... they were forced to vote for someone at gun point, they were also forced to believe in Islam(if they didn't they would be considered as an "infedel" and be killed)... so our government is helping them....
That is so horrifically misleading I just vomited all over my shirt. Thanks a lot.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2007-04-04, 07:19 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "Jews have always been persecuted. A..."
The Pogroms were awful.

Last edited by KagomJack; 2007-04-04 at 07:23 PM.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2007-04-04, 07:46 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Coming from you, that sounds..."
mjordan2nd said:
Coming from you, that sounds surprisingly accurate aside from the last statement. Yes, codons determine which amino acid is to be made, but that does not imply that some sort of intelligent being matched codons with amino acids. Codons match a particular amino acid due to a complex set of biological reactions. Exactly why a particular codon matches a particular amino acid is not well known yet, I believe, but that does not mean we can conclude that some supreme intelligence sat around one day and matched the two up. You're simply creating a god of gaps. Earlier, people did not know why there was lightning or thunder. They explained it by God. You're using the same methodology here. Once scientists figure out why one codon is code for creating a particular amino acid, god will simply go away again.
so tell me... how is it that the biological reactions in the codon know when to and how to react to a certain acid way back in the beginning... how is it that the DNA was able to be interpreted and read when it was just formed? Thats like comming up with the CD before the CD player or wrighter...

mjordan2nd said:
Adenine, thynine, cytosine and guanine are not random collections of acids. They are nitrogenous bases. And codons are translated into amino acids by ribosomes, as you already stated. I thought you would know that. It is not nearly as random as drawing letters and making a word. Every tri-nucleotide chain that is not responsible for determining the genotype of an organism codes the creation of a particular amino acid. There are only 64 possible tri-nucleotide combinations, and each of them are code for a particular amino acid.
I did not say the random letter drawing would make a word... I was merely stating the fact that randomly drawing any two letters would have no meaning unless it was predetermined....

Now, you say there are "64 possible tri-nucleotide combinations"... yet each combination stands for a certain amino acid.... what could have possibly read the DNA and understood what was going to happen if there was nothing but DNA and random collections of non-living matter floating around?

mjordan2nd said:
A more accurate analogy than the one you presented would start off with four letters thrown in a hat. The language you spoke would only consist of 64 word. Each word in your language was only three letters long. What would be the chance that if you drew 3 random letters you would form a word? Easy. 100%.
But what determined that the random collections of three letter words stood for somthing? thats my point... you cannot have meaning unless something gives it meaning....

mjordan2nd said:
ROTFLOL!!! "We slowly corrupted our genetics." AHAHAHAHA. "Adam and Eve had perfect genetics." You crack me up. Sadly, I'm not sure you even understand why I'm laughing at you.
I understand why you laugh...

mjordan2nd said:
It's already been mentioned, but I think it's significant enough to reiterate that the Cold War was not a war with millions dying. Yes, it was a race to be more scientifically advanced, but that was it.
Yes, but in order for one group to dominate they had to have the bigger gun... in this case, the atomic bomb...

mjordan2nd said:
I have watched 28 seconds of the video and realized that this guy is a moron. First of all, he says evolution starts with the big bang. This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Ever since Darwin wrote the Origin of Species, biologists have vehemently denied that the origin of the universe, or even abiogenesis for that matter have anything to do with evolution. Evolution starts after abiogenesis.
Well, the earth had to be here in order for life to exist... all he was pointing to was that if there is no creator then this is the way it had to have started...

mjordan2nd said:
Second, he describes the big bang as "basically everything went kaboom." What. The. Fuck. Honestly. This guy is a doctor? THERE WAS NO FUCKING EXPLOSION IN THE BIG BANG!
So why do they call it the BIG BANG? If there was no bang, then why do they call it that?

mjordan2nd said:
Now I'm at 1 minute. This guy makes me laugh almost as much as you. He's either a make-believe doctor, or he's recently suffered memory loss.

"Somewhere in the water on earth something got zapped by an x-ray or something and then all of a sudden you have this little spec of life." I'm paraphrasing, but that's the essence of what he said. This guy isn't presenting any scientific facts. It's evident in his tone that all he's doing is setting himself up to belittle the idea of evolution with fabricated facts. He goes on to say that this little spec of life somehow became the first cell. Riiight. If he was a doctor he would know that the cell was the basic unit of life. Anything before that wasn't really considered life.

I'll get back to you when I feel like it.

I am now at 1 minute and 6 seconds. In the previous 6 seconds, the moron has managed to claim that cells began forming 600 million years ago. The ediacaran period already had animals. We know this due to sparse, yet real (a concept this man might want to learn about) fossilized records. The reason I am responding this frequently to this video is because I can't remember all the misinformation this guy gives out without having to reply to each one individually when he says it.

I am now at a 1:21 in the video. During the last 15 seconds, some random guy popped up and gave us a brief background of "Dr." Jobe Martin. I decided to do some research on my own. From the minute I spent on google, I found out that Martin is an evangelical, which of course implies a hidden agenda. His masters is in theology. So basically, here's a guy who took basic biology courses, and we're supposed to believe him over professors and doctors actually in the field of biology? Especially considering the fact that after 30 seconds he gave out enough misinformation on any scientific topic that after hearing that any major university would consider him a quack. Please. He may be able to be a professor of theology, but he's a joke of a scientist. You don't need a huge biology background to become a fucking dentist.

I'm now at 2:23 in the video. He goes on talking about assumptions that evolutionists make. He does not actually name the assumptions, he just says that we make them. The one assumption that he does specify is the age of rocks. I suppose he does not understand the concept of radiometric dating? And yes, it is accurate. Carbon-14 dating loses some of its precision past 50,000 years due to earths changing environment, however there are other methods of radiometric dating which do not. They match up well against each other, and other independent forms of dating such as tree rings, Milankovitch cycles, and luminescence dating methods.

I have now finished the video. "Dr." Martin simply gave us an argument of incredulity. He can not conceive how the beetle would have formed, therefore it could not have formed is not a sufficient argument. And, in fact, I've heard this bullshit about the bombardier beetle quite a few times before. He's not original. And there are many plausible evolutionary paths that this animal could have taken, and they're not difficult to find if you search google. I'm not going to actually look for one right now, but they do exist. Look them up.
Hey.. I googled it... all I could find were pages that supported creation using the beetle in their arguments... seriously, check it out for yourself....

mjordan2nd said:
Scientific theories aren't compiled because they seem nicest, they are compiled because they fit the evidence.
Really? I would like to see the evidence for evolution... oh wait, there isn't any.... sorry....

mjordan2nd said:
I disagree. If God exists, he is a horrible deity. How dare the potter blame the pot for its flaws. If his standards are so fucking high, why would he make his vessels so flawed. And he holds them accountable. You're saying that a system without any intelligence that is only guided by the laws of the universe is less forgiving than an intelligent, omnipresent and omnipotent being who allows children and babies to die as the flood waters slowly rise over their heads? And what about the mothers who had to watch their babies die before they themselves were drowned. You're telling me that this guy who has control of everything is more forgiving than a system which can't control itself when he lets the first-born be slain by the pharoah? Hell no. This is a perfect being who controls everything. He allows and condemns his creation to suffer and die, when he made us flawed. Evolution does no such thing. If God does exist, I'd take my chances in hell rather than join a sadomasochistic, megalomaniacal asshole.
God does not blaim us for the flaws... we are responsible for it, not him...
Look, if the flood is your worry, blaim the parents for just sitting there and just watching the water slowly rise around their child...

the pharoh knowingly and willingly killed innocent children, blame him for his actions not God...

as you said before, "he holds them accountable", maening you are responsible for your own actions, not someone elts...

mjordan2nd said:
This is irrelevant to the validity of evolution. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
So your saying that Hitler was right? Twice? What are you trying to say?

mjordan2nd said:
The space race was part of the cold war, not the reason behind the cold war. The cold war was a war of ideological differences. And science makes the art of war more deadly and precise. It does not actually cause wars.
I said nothing about the space race...
You are right, science does make death quicker, but most people want that technology to blow up the enemy country, then the enemy country wants to stop them from using the technology, so they go over and try to stop them... thats how a war starts sometimes...

mjordan2nd said:
Science did not lead to WWII. Hitler's bogus ideologies did.
How did Hitler get his ideologies?

mjordan2nd said:
For the love of God, please be more coherent with your writing. I would like to respond to what you said, because from the little I could make out from that it seems like you are confused, but I can't make much out from that.

That's simply not true. Why do you say that?

1.) A toy poodle can be bigger than both of its parents.

2.) Yet, even at birth, the child's genome could not be traced simply by knowing its parents genome, even if every single permutation of the parents genome was found. This is due to genetic variation. Enough genetic variation, and the animal stops being a toy poodle.
For someone who does not believe in God, you certainly use his name alot...

Anyway... the toy poodle would only have the genes of a toy poodle and its genetic variation... the genetic variation would only be that of a toy poodle, it would not have gained any new information... basically, the variation would not cause any differences in the dog that is not already there... the variation could cause the dog to have two different colors of fur(one color from each parent) or something of that nature, the dog would not gain something unless that trait it bred in...

mjordan2nd said:
Breeding isn't natural selection, is it. And even dogs that are bred to be tall or short can gain a gene which codes the opposite phenotype by genetic variation.
No, breeding is not natural selection...
The dog would already have that gene if the offspring were taller than it, the variation would be the different hights of the dogs...

mjordan2nd said:
Our ancestors have similar genomes to our ancestors.
Yeah, they were humans...
Profile PM WWW Search
Draco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDraco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2007-04-04, 07:57 PM in reply to Draco's post starting "so tell me... how is it that the..."
Draco said:
Really? I would like to see the evidence for evolution... oh wait, there isn't any.... sorry....
For Gods sake man, do you read any of MJ's replies, or do you just come up with half-assed 'argument's against them?

And for heavens sake, spell check before you post! CD wrighter? Blaim?

Draco said:
For someone who does not believe in God, you certainly use his name alot...
What the figs are you getting at here? That atheists shouldn't be allowed to shout "God damnit!" or "For Gods sake!". Methinks you ought to start countering our wicked, wicked ways and take, oh, I don't know, Darwins name in vain? Don't see why not.

Last edited by Lenny; 2007-04-04 at 08:06 PM.
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2007-04-04, 08:06 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "For Gods sake man, do you read any of..."
Lenny said:
For Gods sake man, do you read any of MJ's replies, or do you just come up with half-assed 'argument's against them?

And for heavens sake, spell check before you post! CD wrighter? Blaim?

What the figs are you getting at here? Tha atheists shouldn't be allowed to shout "God damnit!" or "For Gods sake!". Methinks you ought to start countering our wicked, wicked ways and take, oh, I don't know, Darwins name in vain? Don't see why not.
I read MJ's replys...

Profile PM WWW Search
Draco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDraco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2007-04-04, 08:09 PM in reply to Draco's post starting "I read MJ's replys... ..."
But yet, your responses are still very half-assed.
Profile PM WWW Search
KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2007-04-04, 08:28 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "But yet, your responses are still very..."
KagomJack said:
But yet, your responses are still very half-assed.
What... you think I make up all of this? you think I am trying to just start something? What?
Profile PM WWW Search
Draco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDraco is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between


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