Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
It was way down because I let my brother and his friends play on it one weekend and they took me from 32 to 24 in one night. I haven't played on my own account since then due to the problems I had connecting here. I played 2k5's account some and Ludog some. We had 2k5 up to a 30 at one point I believe.
O yea and this weekend we will rock some ppls shit
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER
I really gotta get on by myself for a little before we all start poning, because my skills need to get slightly honed from the hiatus I've been having as of late..
Wow, that is something i wouldnt have said!
But plz do tell which 2 u are taking out?
Out in this cold hearted world is a warm sense that comes from only one. It is true cause his name states what kind of person he is. With honor comes glory and with glory comes GLORY GAMER