When I was 7 years old I had a earinfection in my left ear, there was even blood comming out of it. Now my hearing on my left ear is only +/- 85%
When I was 11 I had an external tumor in the corner of my left eye, it was pretty big and annoying, but not blocking my vision or harmfull in any way. after 20 minutes surgery it was then cut off, but 1 month later it started to come back. I needed another operation but this time it succeeded and it never came back
When i was less than one year old i had a terrible seisure and slipped into a coma, my family thought i was dead. It hasn't happened since, but sometimes i get a sort of fit, they have about a month between them at the least, also my mind sometimes wonders and my memory is fucked up(i can remember a song from preschool but i sometimes forget what im doing at the moment im doing it) and i had a minor speech problem but i fixed it. All of these problems are traced to that seisure which nearly cost me my life but cost me really minor brain damage. Now im just scared that i might have a brain tumor and my memory has gotten worst.
When i was less than one year old i had a terrible seisure and slipped into a coma, my family thought i was dead. It hasn't happened since, but sometimes i get a sort of fit, they have about a month between them at the least, also my mind sometimes wonders and my memory is fucked up(i can remember a song from preschool but i sometimes forget what im doing at the moment im doing it) and i had a minor speech problem but i fixed it. All of these problems are traced to that seisure which nearly cost me my life but cost me really minor brain damage. Now im just scared that i might have a brain tumor and my memory has gotten worst.
Well when i was 7 i was playing tackle football with some older kids in the neighborhood and i got tackled on the sidewalk and both of my arms became bilaterally dislocated.. they couldnt do surgery on me for 7 years due to the way my growth plates were situated.. so i had arms that had elbows that stuck out about 2 inches on each side.. i mean it was a great tool for fucking someone up but it looked gay as hell but anyways i got surgery on it when i was 14 on both arms(at seperate times) they published a lot of pictures and some information on what happened to me in a book because its a rare thing to see happen.. but anyways my arms are better now and its been 2 years since ive had surgery... yea i have ADD too but who doesnt have ADD now a days just because i have always been the one misbehaving in class doesnt mean i have ADD.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
I imagine most kids looked "weird" in school so they became social outcasts and spent all their time on the computer... but yes... kids these days are being born with everything... I saw some fucking 7th graders in a fieldtrip they were having and they were like the shortest little fuckers ever... Seriously... every generation, the kids get shorter...
!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]