i think the term you are looking for is agnostic.
anyway, the reason you think that god had to be created because there is nothing in our world that wasnt, because everything in our world by nature is finite, it has a beginning. god isnt finite, hes infinite. His nature is to be, therefore, by his nature, he always was. im sorry, but it requires a certain extent of faith to undertsand this.
time is not infinite, there was a time in which there was no time, infact, god himself is outside time. this is because one of gods attributes is immutability, in other words, he cant change, and this means all changes, for example, he cant have emotions. and since time equals change, god cannot be in time. but since humans cannot grasp the concept of being without time, the simplest way i can put this is, god lives in a constant now. and the only reason time cant be stopped, is because we dont know to do it