Posted 2010-11-16, 01:50 PM
in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "Actually, the charge was for..."
Actually, the charge was for disturbance of the peace. ... And no, it was not for an alcohol related charge.
You mean when you were also charged with open container but you plead guilty to disturbing the peace so they dropped the open container charge? You were in a public place drinking alcohol, and when a cop gave you shit for it you were a complete prick to him. You're lucky you didn't get curb stomped by him. Or is this from when you got kicked out of your sister's reception when you were out on bond, out of state, and under the influence of alcohol?
No matter how you spin it, it isn't a "bullshit charge," it is "alcohol related" and you are a "dumbass." The retarded part is that they fucking TELL YOU that you will be tested for alcohol and you got busted anyway. How fucking stupid can you be?
At least own up to it. Don't try to play it off like you are innocent, and don't come here looking for sympathy.