Food:t3h macaroni salad
Animal:Albino Gecko
Anime:Akira or Fist of the North Star
Movie:King Arthur
Weapon Of Choice:3 inch throwing knife
Smiley Face:the
New golden Chicken (some chicken dipped in this delicious sweet and sour sauce)
Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction
Crest of the Stars
Battle of the Buldge
50 cal antim tank gun?
Candy: teh red swedish fish! or maybe sour patch kids or maybe hot tamales
Color: Black, white, orange, blue
Food: Burritos
Class: History right now
Animal: hmmm.... Dogs.
Game:WCIII the Frozen Throne right now.
TV Show (instead of anime): Late Night with Conan Obrien and Reno 911, and Insomniac
Cartoon: Futurama or Family Guy
Movie: Garden State recently... or Lord of the Rings: any. or the first matrix... or gladiator
Weapon Of Choice: Fist.
Smiley Face: uhhh whichever I need at the time... none of the gay onesl ike the cyborg though... psh.
Candy:White Chocolate...Hmmm.
Animal: Dog
Game:RPG Integration Hack for vBulletin 3.0.x, lol .
Cartoon:Southpark and Family Guy
Movie:Hmm, I guess Gladiator...
Weapon Of Choice: I've always liked old fashioned revolvers, like the ones in cowboy movies, heh.
Smiley Face:
Candy: Don't eat candy
Color: Aqua
Food: Burger
Class: Skipping
Animal: Scuzzlebutt
Game: Can't have a favorite game. They all get boring after too much playtime. I'll go for a combination of (in this order) WC3, CS, EQ2.
Anime: Trigun
Cartoon: Southpark, ATHF = close 2nd
Movie: Braveheart?
Weapon Of Choice: Baseball bat
Smiley Face:the (only if you hilight it)
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Candy: M&M's, with peanuts
Color: #193F65
Food: Tagiatella al samone
Class: n/a
Animal: Cat
Game: Sof2-MPdemo
Anime: Naruto
Cartoon: Family guy
Movie: Star Wars V
Weapon Of Choice: Cockring
Smiley Face:
Candy: Payday
Color: Black/Grey/White/Silver/Metalic Blue
Food: Asian / Mexican
Class: A+, CCNA
Animal: Wolf
Game: Quake/UT/CS/CoD/WoW/TXR3/Rise Of Nations/WC3
Anime: Ghost in the Shell
Cartoon: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Movie: Hackers
Weapon Of Choice: Spork
Smiley Face:
Food:Boneless BBQ Rib Sandwitch, or Ham and Pineapple Pizza (especially from Papa John's)
Animal:wolf or Siberian Husky
Game:Final Fantasy VII
Anime:Outlaw Star
Cartoon:Family Guy
Movie:Jet Li's Kiss of the Dragon
Weapon Of Choice: (IRL)My fists, but in games i prefer to have a nice one handed axe
Smiley Face:the
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
Candy: Milky Way
Color: Any color Kagom doesn't like.
Food: Sirloin Steak
Class: Computer Science
Animal: My Dog
Game: Starcraft and then closely following D2
Anime: Fuck anime.
Cartoon: Southpark
Movie: Return of the Jedi
Weapon Of Choice: Anything Smith n Wesson
Smiley Face: Fuck you
Actually, I don't know. I'm very much against weapons. If you want to fight, do it like a man. Nothing good can come from a weapon (aside from hunting, but I don't hunt).
Most of the people who say fuck anime are usually the ones who dont have the mental capacity to understand the deeper meaning and stories presented in the movies/shows.
Most of the people who say fuck anime are usually the ones who dont have the mental capacity to understand the deeper meaning and stories presented in the movies/shows.
I doubt most of the people who say fuck anime say it because they don't have the mental capacity to understand it. Most of the people who say fuck anime just don't like it.
Candy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Color: Orange, Dark Blue
Food: Anything Parmigiana
Class: English
Animal: Chinchilla
Game: Deus Ex
Anime: Naruto or One Piece
Cartoon: Family Guy
Movie: Star Wars
Weapon Of Choice: Shotgun
Smiley Face: None