Thread: Favorite's
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Posted 2005-02-10, 08:12 AM in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Skittles Black New golden Chicken..."
Candy: teh red swedish fish! or maybe sour patch kids or maybe hot tamales
Color: Black, white, orange, blue
Food: Burritos
Class: History right now
Animal: hmmm.... Dogs.
Game:WCIII the Frozen Throne right now.
TV Show (instead of anime): Late Night with Conan Obrien and Reno 911, and Insomniac
Cartoon: Futurama or Family Guy
Movie: Garden State recently... or Lord of the Rings: any. or the first matrix... or gladiator
Weapon Of Choice: Fist.
Smiley Face: uhhh whichever I need at the time... none of the gay onesl ike the cyborg though... psh.
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