Well where to start.
Most of you might know, that I had dated the same girl for a very long time, since 07-19-2006. Exactly a week after my 19th birthday, I had been dating the same girl, which was an awesome feeling. She was also the girl I lost my V-card too (somewhat emberassing, but I am a bitch about stuff like that, I like to build trust with a girl before going that far, as i've heard before.. don't have sex with a girl you couldn't have kids with..because accidents do happen)
Anyways, we had been pretty good for a year or so, we eventually moved in together at about a year and three months, things were still good, if not better. Our families were close to each other, we all had gone on a joint-family cruise (about 20 people total). During the span of our relationship I had gone with her to New York to visit HER family during Christmas, and stayed for a week, which was very hard for me to do.
We had gone through some really hard time, but at the same time had some very wonderful, truthful loving times together and I really thought she was the one, which is why I committed so much effort into our relationship.
Anyways, we had gotten somewhat strained towards the end of our relationship, which was in June of '08... Of course, little things caused our issues, but eventually it had been brought up by her that we might should consider a break, in which I seriously don't believe in. I feel if you can't just sit down and find out what's wrong, then nothing is ever going to get fixed, if you just run and hide from your stress and problems, you won't be able to fix anything, it's as simple as that.
Regardless, I wanna say it was about the second weekend in June I had noticed her acting kinda weird, like I knew something was up, but wasn't sure what it was.. It was weird, but like I caught her texting up a storm to somebody I've never heard of, which ended up being my breaking point, later in the story.
She had told me it was just one of her friends that she just went to the club with, which was cool with me I was like whatever. I slip out, well actually "who", which threw her off and you know how you can tell people are lying when they tell you something, she paused for a little bit and looked around.. I just agreed and said "cool" while I knew she was lying.
Anyways, I figure out who the guy is by just asking one of her friends if she did anything wrong while they went out, she just said she got some guys number, and I find out they've been talking for like a week or so, yada yada. (we had mutual respect for each others privacy, and both knew each other's myspace passwords/email passwords..etc etc) so I go to hop on one day on her account to go look at an old e-mail I sent her and she's got an inbox full of this random dude, etc. It's now the third week in June, and a friend of their family, and a friend of mine passes from Leukemia. The next monday in the morning, the day after their friend passes, she tells me that she needs a break. The way she worded it was, "I don't.. I can't be with you right now, i'm just .. not ... ready for a relationship anymore.. I need some space". Which really broke my heart, I've never been so hurt in my entire life. Anyways, she tells me this and I get my stuff, basically and pack it all up, I leave from her, which made things even worse.
But regardless, I was tore up inside, as most people would be after being with somebody for nearly 2 years of their life (our anniversery was only a week or two away..) so I get home, and try to call her almost the rest of that day after work.. she never answeres but texts saying we should talk "later"...
Whatever, I'm just tore up all night, she just gives me the cold shoulder, the next night after work I finally get a hold of her, and I happened to be near her house, and I was just wanting to stop by and talk about.. anything. Of course she said that I couldn't.. I play more into it and eventually after talking for about 10 minutes find out by asking questions that this "guy" that she met at the club and had been talking to for like a week or two, was going to stop by and console about the death of the close friend of their family, and that he just wanted to talk.
I had gotten even worse at this ponit, so fast can you life change without you hardly getting any sign of it, that's why I inherited the quotation "carpe diem". Anyways, I kept trying to contact with her, and nothing. She did not want to talk, do anything, talk. I kept trying for the next two weeks or so and finally I couldn't beat myself up anymore. I had enough. I had to move on, being deprssed and feeling like shit 24/7 is not how anybody should live their life.
So by the time the 4th of July comes around, she still hasn't even tried contacting me, maybe saying something like "Happy 4th" which I just straight up ignored. My birthday (July 12th..Saturday!) Rolls around, and she has the nerves to ask if I'm even having a birthday party. I reply being like you don't talk to me for like 2 weeks and now your asking if I'm having a party? What nerve do you fucking have. I was straight up confrontational about it, and basically gave her the cold shoulder. By the time our 2 year "anniversery" (July 19t..the next saturday) rolled around, I had through texts let her know that we were done, I couldn't do it anymore. Around the same time, I had already been haning out with another girl.. an old friend of mine actually, we had dinner and went to a movie, etc. It was cool, she was a nice pick-me-up, but nothing serious, and that made my Ex very jealous because of course she would find out.
At this point, the end of July is coming up. I'm not talking to the new chick in a dating manner anymore, we both agreed we are just going to be buddies. Hence, another friend through my ex, I had been talking to ever since we split, who was really trying to help us get back together, and eventually saw my side of the story... I had really grown to like a lot, as she helped me through a very tough time in my life, had grown on me, very much so.
Regardless, we started haning out almost immideately near the end of july, and it was like a constant thing after that. We've probably seen about 10 movies together as of today, and gone out to eat a ton of times. We had been haning out since about the 19th or so i'd say.. on and off on and off, and eventually by the time (Aug 12th) rolls around, we finally agree we should date. Which was a huge sigh of relief for me. Now, she did warn me before that it might take a while for her to get back into the swing of things, etc, which I could totally agree with.
Anyways, we were dating until tonight. I've done so many things right, but apparently too much was the key. I guess I may have been overcompensating for my ex, but hey that's how life goes sometimes. What's really shitty, is honestly I think I may have been starting to fall for this girl, this past week or so I've actually started to feel somewhat selfless towards her, meaning that I was making time for her, and that I legimiately wanted her to be happy.. more than anything else. There's something about her that I was instantly pulled into, and I guess it was too much. But hey, that's life. I've made another thread about it, and will go more into detail about it.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]