So, suddenly I grew a pair.
Posted 2010-03-10, 09:53 PM
True Story.
I'm friends with a kid in a class, it's a science class, and he's [Tiny, Pale, Dorky, and getting the second best grade in the class] - in other worlds [Bully Bait].
Since we're basically each others only friends in that class (it's a sophomore class, and I'm a Junior) we both get picked on alot by these two (cliche`, but true) football players.
It's the beginning of class, and I go to talk to a girl in the hall. When I come back, the usual two guys are bothering him. Only, this time it's not just name calling or a little slap. They're hitting him with yardsticks and kicking at him. I'm too scared to do anything, so I just sit down in my desk and watch idly like always.
Eventually, the little guy grabs hold of the yardstick and starts to struggle to make them stop. The yardstick breaks just as the teacher comes in and she sends both the little guy and the football guy out. The foolball guy - his name's Tomy, btw. Not Tommy, Tomy, like "Tony" but with an M. - doesn't go and start's lying, saying it was all Corey - the little guy -'s fault.
I dunno why or how but I was suddenly in his face yelling "That's bullshit! You started it, you always start it! Bullshit!", and me and him are starring off, ready to fight then and there. After a good 20 seconds, I decide it's not worth fighting him and getting in trouble, so I go sit down. The teach persists on sending him out, so he leaves. As he's walking to the door he comes by my desk and calls me "fuckin' pussy".
Then I just kinda erupt. Calmly...? I follow him down the hall, letting it build up before I catch his attention. He turns around to face me and I slam my fist in his face with everything I've got.
He backs up a bit, hit mouth is bleeding and he's just giving me this look like 'Did that really just happen?'.
I wasn't afraid, I wasn't angry, sad, happy, or anything. I felt something I never felt before.
We both got suspended, but ever since I've been feeling different. Like I shouldn't have to take peoples shit anymore. I quit being friends with all the people I hate, and told them off before hand.
Lately I feel like I want something to happen again, so I can get the chance to actually fight... or something. I dunno...
So, Zelaron. Discuss the moment you "Grew a Pair".
Also, tell me what I should do with myself, since I can't seem to find anything to do with all this bottled up win I dug up. Thanks.
