ok well max bone spirit, prison, wall, and teeth!!!
-about 100str(if u have enigma) more if u dont
150 dex if u use homun cuz thats about max block
80-100 energy u can decide for urself
rest into VITA!
-as for skills
20bone teeth
20 bone spirit
20 bone wall
20 bone spear
1 bone armor
1 Corspe Explosion
NONE into bone prison just use the marrowwalk bug!!!!! (which is equip marrowwalks w/ NO points into bone prison and it will act like a lvl 33 IT WONT SHOW ON SKILL SCREEN!!! but it works and u get like 1.5k dmg which is GOOD

and put rest wherever u want...i screwed up marrowwalk trick so i have skills i still need to put into teeth and prison

) so i dont have golem or w/e yet :'(. but i dunno check it out for urself thats mean and he uses....
up'ed homun(um)
trang glove
raven frost
10%fcr magic ring
arach mesh
marrow walk/up' silkweave (b/c 10% max mana

1x pnb gc
1x 14all res 6dex GC
1x 15all res 33life GC
1x 6all res LC
1x 3all res SC
so ya u can just tweak a bit for urself but this is just my basic necro for duels. he has full res in hell (w/ anya quests)....if u need to know about dueling i can kinda help w/ what gear for each type

)!! wel;l good luck i do about 3.0k-3.5 dmg w/ bone spirit so ya its good enuff i think and it still can be better

)!~ good luck