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Necro Build Plz
Can someone plz give me a simple bone necro build ? Like what stats to have around lvl 80 without just saying enough for full block or something and what skillz to max and put the rest of the points on. thanks :)
ok well max bone spirit, prison, wall, and teeth!!!
-about 100str(if u have enigma) more if u dont 150 dex if u use homun cuz thats about max block 80-100 energy u can decide for urself rest into VITA! -as for skills 20bone teeth 20 bone spirit 20 bone wall 20 bone spear 1 bone armor 1 Corspe Explosion NONE into bone prison just use the marrowwalk bug!!!!! (which is equip marrowwalks w/ NO points into bone prison and it will act like a lvl 33 IT WONT SHOW ON SKILL SCREEN!!! but it works and u get like 1.5k dmg which is GOOD :o)!!!) and put rest wherever u want...i screwed up marrowwalk trick so i have skills i still need to put into teeth and prison :o) so i dont have golem or w/e yet :'(. but i dunno check it out for urself thats mean and he uses.... GEAR enigma hoto mara shako(um) up'ed homun(um) trang glove raven frost 10%fcr magic ring arach mesh marrow walk/up' silkweave (b/c 10% max mana :o]) INVENTORY 1x pnb gc 1x 14all res 6dex GC 1x 15all res 33life GC 1x 6all res LC 1x 3all res SC so ya u can just tweak a bit for urself but this is just my basic necro for duels. he has full res in hell (w/ anya quests)....if u need to know about dueling i can kinda help w/ what gear for each type :o)!! wel;l good luck i do about 3.0k-3.5 dmg w/ bone spirit so ya its good enuff i think and it still can be better :o)!~ good luck |
Why not just have an soj and put the energy points into vita?
thanks that helps alot :D but ummmm how do you get bugged marrow?
get a breast plate or mage plate enigma and get juz enuff str to wear enigma and pump all other stats into vit and a juz enough dex to wear ur gear
this way u save up alot on str and pump more into vit |
ya its true and they go for about 1 soj unless u get some newb who wanted 3 soj for a mageplate enigma haha i laughed at him :o). but ya if u have enigma u dont need much strength at all and if u already have a good FCR use a up'ed frosties cuz they give u alot of mana and well soj's u can use but they get a wee bit well EXPENSIVE so ya...but frosties or trangglove/magefist work best i find :o)! and the marrowwalks arent bugged all u do is read this CAREFULLY!
>>>>>>>>NONE into bone prison just use the marrowwalk bug!!!!! (which is equip marrowwalks w/ NO points into bone prison and it will act like a lvl 33 IT WONT SHOW ON SKILL SCREEN!!! but it works and u get like 1.5k dmg which is GOOD )!!!)<<<<<<<< |
so any marrow walk will work? and it does the thingy? ahhh i don't understand =( and i play on non ladder softcore uswest sojs aren't worth shiz...
Marrowwalk will work. It has charges I believe of LvL 33 bone prison, and if you don't have a point in prison is takes it as +33 Bone Prison if I am not mistaken.
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