Wow, I was reading an article this morning about old games that are worth buying if you have a low-end PC. It mentioned System Shock 2, and how Deus Ex got some good ideas from it and it got me thinking about just how god damned good Deus Ex was/is. It still ranks up there among the list of all time favorites, and I eagerly await the release of DX2. I've recently gotten the urge to play through it again for the 5th time, an urge that comes back to me every 3-6 months.
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you could just stop trying to pirate it and buy it for like $5.
I can't find it in a store*
Have you tried EB games? There's always at least one in the preowneds at the ones that I've gone to. Heck, the one I go to most often has an unopened game of the year edition. I really can't see how it could be hard to find DX unless you're looking at someplace like Best Buy that doesn't carry games older than a year.
What storm said. In the original version, you didn't even have the Multiplayer function until you patched it. The single player game is so good though that it wasn't even a needed download.