Posted 2015-03-09, 11:19 PM
in reply to Demosthenes's post "Do you believe that lofty projects such..."
Well, I can only imagine three reasons (currently) to explore space.
1. Other life, of course
2. To find a new place, because we totally shit all over our planet just getting out of our pajamas
3. To learn knew things about space rocks and space wiggles
In the case of 1. "we find new life", one of three things happens, likely in order of probable outcomes.
1. The movie Avatar happens, though we may be on the receiving end, depending which species is more advanced, and there is no magic fucking spirit tree to save anybody
2. The other species sees that we still have poverty and hunger, and assumes we're incredibly irresponsible or immature for not having solved that first, therefore ignoring/conquering us for our own good.
3. The previous, only instead of telling us to fuck off, they actually help us fix our problems that we decided to ignore. This is the least likely, just like the Kindergarten version of Thanksgiving.
In the case of 2, "we find a new place", one of two things happens
1. All the rich people go to the new planet, and the poor people stay here to rot, the end.
2. We basically do the same thing over and over, getting "sorta" less sloppy each planet we go to. We probably rot, the end.
In the case of 3, we want to learn more about space rocks and space wigglies we have 2 outcomes
1. We realize something increeeeedibly important looking at these rocks, and it saves us all.
2. They're a bunch of fucking rocks and we blow a ton of money looking at them.

Last edited by Skurai; 2015-03-09 at 11:22 PM.