This thread was built on Adrenachrome's out of date one. So here's how it will play through:
If you can rush people, State how far you can rush (Normal, Nightmare, Hell) and if you can only do some acts on a specific difficulty, include the farthest act you can go.
Also, if you are a rusher, please state how much you are charging, what items you want, or if you're just a nice person, state that you will do it free of charge.
If you NEED a rush, post it here and either look for a rusher, or let a rusher pick you out. Please keep any personal chatter between the Rush and Rushee in PMs or the chatbox.
Also, make sure you post what difficult you need to get rushed through, including what act you are in currently.
One last thing, Whether you be the rusher or rushee, please include your Realm/Account Name/Status. (Status implying Ladder or Non)
And be friendly! If someone gives you a rush free of charge multiple times, and then they need a rush later on, consider helping them out a bit, even if you can't rush them all the way.
People who can rush:
1) -Spector-
Realm/Account name/Status: USEast, Glitchmode, Ladder
Can rush: Normal, Nightmare all the way through.
Charge: None.
People who need a rush: