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Peta fight
Posted 2004-07-15, 07:20 AM
I'd link you all, but the thread was deleted because PETA2 Admins are pussies >.<

Questions that have formed in my mind.
Posted By Date/Time
Kagom 7/13/04 6:51 PM
I wish to ask a few questions: Why is that you all refuse to believe that PETA is capable of being wrong? PETA sides with ALF/ELF, which, by the American government, are domestic terrorist groups. Why is it that many of you would rather help an animal and not a human who is dying from starvation (if this is a generalization, and many of you are not this way, I do apologize) Why is it, that despite what you claim and what PETA lies about, you can't believe that PETA wouldn't take the chances of traumatizing children (in refernece of the "Your Mommy Kills Animals" flyer...don't tell me it was meant for teens, Mommy is definitely NOT apart of a regular teenager's vocabulary). Also, you get angry when a human eats meat, yet you don't seem to be all that upset when an animal slaughters a defenseless animal for food. I'm just trying to figure you people out, I mean you no harm or spam or trolling.

I pooped in your soup 7/13/04 6:55 PM
Those Liberation Front people are nuts. They spraypainted "No War On Iraq" on the side of my friends brand new car. No one has any idea why, seeing as how he doesn't know anyone here, had no bumper stickers, and isn't in the Army. Its a good thing I don't catch those fuckers, cause they would have lost an arm. I put PETA in the same category. Disregarding human life for animal life. Causing problems and destroying private property in the name of being nice to animals. Thats why there are so many trolls here, they all feel that way.

Kagom 7/13/04 6:59 PM
Well, we shouldn't troll them. We should reason. I have some more questions: Why is it that PETA will take religious icons and totally make them blasphemous (We all know what I'm talking about)? Why is it that PETA encourages kids to be rebellious against parents who like meat? Here's a biggy: Why is it, that when someone is killed or dies and they have some affiliation or relation to the meat market, people on here are happy and wish that more could've happened? Not all of you are like that, and I applaud those who won't side with the ones who praise the deaths. Also, why do you try to make Jesus look vegetarian when he was clearly omnivorous. They claim that the feeding of the multitudes with bread and fish is "symbolic" when it really isn't and there is no supporting evidence to make that claim of only being "symbolic".

AnyoneUpForABBQ 7/13/04 7:01 PM
Hitler was wrong and Hitler was a vegan. Go figure

Fruitarian_Girl 7/13/04 7:01 PM
I don't believe PETA is always correct. I have disagreed with quite a few of their campaigns in the past, and I am sure I will continue to question some of the things they do. But, all organizations have a few flaws. PETA does do a lot for the animals, and that is what counts. They are doing their best. I do not value a human life over an animal life, nor an animal life over a human life. ALL life is precious, it isn't fair to value one life above another. Humans do not NEED meat to survive. They can live a perfectly healthy life off of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and other things that don't involve killing animals. Now, a lion for instance, can not live a healthy life of of vegetation. He must eat meat in order to survive.

Kagom 7/13/04 7:02 PM
Do we have any supporting evidence that Hitler was a vegan?

Kagom 7/13/04 7:03 PM
Actually, Fruitarian girl, humans do need a lot of the B12 and protein in meat that can't be accessed without some type of medical help.

benchmade 7/13/04 7:03 PM
yeah... http://www.cyborgcow.net/gallery/alb...watermelon.gif

I pooped in your soup 7/13/04 7:04 PM
Well, you don't NEED a car to survive. You don't NEED clothes to survive. You don't NEED arms to survive. But you have them. Humans evolved into an omnivorous species. We are designed to eat meat. So why go against natural order and not do it? You are toying with nature.

AnyoneUpForABBQ 7/13/04 7:05 PM
Hey Kagay, go to Google, it's a search engine, or read a history book instead of Playgirl. If you learn to read you might find some stuff about Hitler's past. You can read can't you?
Pyro13 7/13/04 7:06 PM
Well, Kagom, we never said that PETA was a saint website, we know that no one is perfect. So don't judge us as a whole, not everyone here has the same opinions. And most of the time animals have to kill animals for food, the lion doesn't keep it's zebra in a cage for months on end until he wants to eat it. Some animals are naturally predators and need to kill to feed, we as humans don't. And I don't get upset when I see someone eating meat, if that's your preference more power to you, but that won't stop me from giving my friends flyers and stuff =). And in a way, we are helping starving people, because with the land used to keep these animals, we could be giving the grain to starving people in third world countries. And most likely if we care about the plight of animals than we care about the plight of other forms of life in the world as well. But personally I would rather see the video of the guy being beheaded in Iraq than of a dog being killed. Because the animal is wondering what it did wrong, why it's being hurt, whereas a human knows why his head is being cut off(politics). And a human can do more to save himself than a animal can (sometimes.) Sorry if I came on strong, I know your'e not a troll..yet =). And I don't destroy property, I just light it on fire, hehehehe. JK

benchmade 7/13/04 7:07 PM
or just look at my link.. it's easier!

rastaXcore 7/13/04 7:07 PM
1. i support them because the people who torture little animals are committing a more heinous crime in my mind. argue if you want. 2. generalization. 3. children are more traumatized when they find out that meat is made from animals, i've witnessed this. i don't condone these child targeted PETA things, but the meat industry plays dirty too. 4. we are not meant to eat meat. research it. open yourself to other theories. my cat is meant to eat meat, that's why her teeth are significantly different from mine.

Kagom 7/13/04 7:08 PM
1) I am a history fanatic, I've never read anything about Hitler being vegan in historical texts. 2) I can read very well, no need to get a little defensive. 3) It's -Kagom- not kagay

Pyro13 7/13/04 7:09 PM
Ok if we have to eat meat, not saying that we do, we don't need to torture the animals for it. that's what PETA is about

benchmade 7/13/04 7:10 PM
kagay.. haha I just now got that! I'm slow

stinkytofu 7/13/04 7:11 PM
1. i support them because the people who torture little animals are committing a more heinous crime in my mind. argue if you want. 2. generalization. 3. children are more traumatized when they find out that meat is made from animals, i've witnessed this. i don't condone these child targeted PETA things, but the meat industry plays dirty too. 4. we are not meant to eat meat. research it. open yourself to other theories. my cat is meant to eat meat, that's why her teeth are significantly different from mine. really? According to paleobiologists, we are natural born omnivores. Heck even chimps and gorillas eat bugs

Pyro13 7/13/04 7:12 PM
And if meat was so good for you then why is it linked to so many diseases? Not saying that being vegan doesn't have it's problems, but you can take vitamins or find other foods that supply the exact same nutrients as meat. And by the way the anti-biotics and steroids in meat is not good for you. Ever wonder why 9 year old girls are getting their periods? lol, gross.

Kagom 7/13/04 7:14 PM
Quote: Well, Kagom, we never said that PETA was a saint website, we know that no one is perfect. So don't judge us as a whole, not everyone here has the same opinions. And most of the time animals have to kill animals for food, the lion doesn't keep it's zebra in a cage for months on end until he wants to eat it. Some animals are naturally predators and need to kill to feed, we as humans don't. And I don't get upset when I see someone eating meat, if that's your preference more power to you, but that won't stop me from giving my friends flyers and stuff =). And in a way, we are helping starving people, because with the land used to keep these animals, we could be giving the grain to starving people in third world countries. And most likely if we care about the plight of animals than we care about the plight of other forms of life in the world as well. But personally I would rather see the video of the guy being beheaded in Iraq than of a dog being killed. Because the animal is wondering what it did wrong, why it's being hurt, whereas a human knows why his head is being cut off(politics). And a human can do more to save himself than a animal can (sometimes.) Sorry if I came on strong, I know your'e not a troll..yet =). And I don't destroy property, I just light it on fire, hehehehe. JK [End Quote] Pyro, if I said I apologize for any genralization when it comes to how you all approach things. Also, we do need to kill to feed sometimes. In more early times, it was the only thing you could do. If you had a draught, you could only hope for animals for food. We are omnivorous as of this time period now. I appreciate you not getting disgusted/upset. I dont' mind flyers, but when you give some flyers or use certain things with little kids, it's quite traumatizing. Also, I'd prefer the animal being killed (I know you're thinking I may be inhumane, but I love animals, but a human life shouldn't be ended needlessly, even if it is a political thing) over the man being decapped. Honestly, I'd prefer a bee being smashed than the aforementioned. But PETA encourages starving people to not eat meat. They give them vegetables and fruit and soy and rice (good things to eat! don't get me wrong) but they still need meat.

Pyro13 7/13/04 7:14 PM
AGAIN! Animals need to eat other animals, especially wild animals. And if HUMANS had to eat meat do we need to treat them they way we do in factory farms?? answer that please one of you non-veggies just tell me even if we had to eat meat, do we need to obtain it the way we do?

benchmade 7/13/04 7:14 PM
yeah that sucks.. now I have to worry about getting 9 y/o's preggie. It was BAD ENOUGH when I had to worry about 16 y/o's LIFE SUCKS!
I pooped in your soup 7/13/04 7:22 PM
You people are just full or propaganda messages, left and right. Killing things in cages with machine guns? I'm sure that happens all the time. Seeing as how bullet-riddled meat would be absolutely useless, I don't know why anyone would ever do that. But I'm sure PETA convinced you of that. Look, I've done my homework. I know the whole Grain supply arguement. I've met Frances Moore Lappe. I've read Diet For a Small Planet. I still think you people are wrong. Its not like I am ill-educated on the subject, I think I know more than a lot of people who belong to this forum. More than propaganda based rumours at least.

benchmade 7/13/04 7:23 PM
who cares about them? They can just die. it's all just cause for an animals right to live! Animals are > humans

Kagom 7/13/04 7:24 PM
I must say, though the American gov't has lied about many things, they do classify terrorists correctly. Also, I know a lot of people who are meat eaters and live very long and healthy lives. Also, girls having periods...uhm...that's just a natural thing in life >.<
Pyro13 7/13/04 7:25 PM
Ok don't get ME wrong, I don't think that humans should be killed left and right. And I posted the generalization comment b4 I saw that you didn't generalize, forgive me. I know now that you are being stereotypical. But if you really cared for animals lives even YOU wouldn't want them to be tortured the way they are. If we have to kill to feed we do not need to torture, there is a difference in killing and torturing. Hanging a cow/pig form it's hinds legs while slitting it's throat and leaving it to die is torture, scalding chickens who are still alive is torture, and ppl don't think it is then they are really soul-less. And if we need meat to survive then why is it that vegans are leading long healthy lives, and are less likely to get certain diseases? Not that meat-eaters don't live a long time too. And again if you can ge the nutrients you need from meat, in vitamins and other foods then why would we need to eat meat? Just to have the satisfaction of biting into an innocent animals flesh? And if you are taking a religious stand point..god doesn't want his animals to be tortured and killed for food. And if I am not mistaken, my dad who is a minister by the way says that in the bible god didn't want his ppl to eat anything on four legs, chickens...i dunno.

Pyro13 7/13/04 7:28 PM
it is not natural for a 9 year old child to have her period. That means she can have babies. 9 year olds ARE babies, they shouldn't be having any. 12-13 is the regular age.

Kagom 7/13/04 7:29 PM
Pyro, that was in the Old Testament They were not to eat anything on four legs that had their feet cloved, but did not chew the cud. Basically, they couldn't eat any animal that didn't chew the cud and have cloven feet (in referral to four legged animals). They could eat chicken, but it was a rarity enjoyed only by royalty and the elite.

Kagom 7/13/04 7:30 PM
Pyro, in the time before the 18th century (and a little after) it was normal for a 9 y/o female to have periods. Because the life expectancy was so short, they had marriage earlier, etc.

stinkytofu 7/13/04 7:31 PM
"And if we need meat to survive then why is it that vegans are leading long healthy lives, and are less likely to get certain diseases? " The truth is that vegans are not living any longer than omnivores. There are a lot of factors in determining longevity like lifestyle, exercise, genetics, and diet. It is not as simple as vegan vs. omnivorism. If you look at the link I posted earlier, maybe that will clear things up for you.

Pyro13 7/13/04 7:32 PM
Lol, sorry if i can't quote the bible like you, I am not christian or jewish. So eating their own cud. doesn't that mean you should put down that hamburger? And we aren't elite either, shouldn't we put down that chicken wing? You keep saying you want answers, but when we try to give you some, you grab for excuses. The bottom line is animals don't need to be hurt for food. can you at least agree to that?
IAMAVEGAN 7/13/04 7:35 PM
Then we don't need to eat plants to survive either

stinkytofu 7/13/04 7:36 PM
Pyro, I am sorry to say this, but animals not only get hurt, but they are dying even for veganism/vegetarianism. During all phases of vegetable farming, animals are killed. Mice, vole, groundhogs, birds, reptiles, invertebrates, and insects all die in the name of harvesting vegetables. It would be unrealistic to think that we can actually lead a cruelty free existence.
Pyro13 7/13/04 7:40 PM
Ummm, I'm sorry but are we still in th 18th century? **looks around*** oh there's my pc, it's not the 18th century and if a 9 yr old had a child these days it'd be a scandal, it's not natural NOW thats the point. Good point stinkytofu, if we were designed to eat meat then the lions would have a stove in their den so they could fry up their meat. or we would be able to pounce on a cow and eat it raw w/o getting sick. maybe we were able to eat mammoth thousands of years ago, but did you see how small their skulls were? they didn't know any better then. Ok totally off the sub. but no christian will answer this for me, not to be rude, but do christians even believe in the cave man days or that there were dinosaurs? Because it's like all of a sudden there is Adam and Even no dino in site, no mammoths roaming around, no ice age. Or does it say it somewhere in the bible? I am really not trying to be rude, I just want a straight answer, and I truly am sorry if I offended your religion b/c I know what its like to have your religion misjudged. just please give me a straight answer w/o getting upset w/ me. =)
Pyro13 7/13/04 7:42 PM
OK OK I know. But if animals are hurt in the process of making plants then whats left to eat??? At least those animals aren't being treated like the ones in the factory farms!! COME ON! I am not stupid I knew that allready. Jeez. Can I just enjoy my salad in peace? =)

IAMAVEGAN 7/13/04 7:42 PM
Yes, christians do beleive in mammoths and dinosaurs, they are talked about in the bible.

Jersey 7/13/04 7:43 PM
I think peta is a place to get info and oppinions..if it seems fishy you can always research it on other sites and let the admn. know what you found..I dont think peta is always right but it is a really helpful site and they are good people

Kagom 7/13/04 7:43 PM
As a Christian, I believe in cavemen, but I believe in Adam and Eve Also, we may no longer be in the 18th century, but things still happen that only happened in that time period. The present and future always repeat the past in some aspects
stinkytofu 7/13/04 7:45 PM
"if we were designed to eat meat then the lions would have a stove in their den so they could fry up their meat. or we would be able to pounce on a cow and eat it raw w/o getting sick. maybe we were able to eat mammoth thousands of years ago, but did you see how small their skulls were? they didn't know any better then." I believed you have missed my point. The reason we can use tools to hunt rather than our hands, nails, teeth, etc., is we have our intelligence to help us to devise hunting/fishing tools.
Pyro13 7/13/04 7:48 PM
ok here it is flat out. Veganism has it's problems, eating meat has it's problems. PETA may not be all it's cracked up to be, but at least they truly are trying to do something they believe is right. Not many PETA members a extremists, we aren't all crazy. And forgive me if I love my dog more than the man that was beheaded. PLEASE forgive me, sarcasm. My beliefs may be wrong, your may be wrong. I don't know everything and you don't either. I enjoy not eating meat, because I think that I am saving lives, maybe I'm not w/e. But I am not going to eat meat again, so get off my back about it. Instead of questioning everything we do, go make yourself a burger and be happy. That's it just be happy doing what your'e doing, don't stress yourself trying to figure us out. We are enigmas, JK.
stinkytofu 7/13/04 7:49 PM
"OK OK I know. But if animals are hurt in the process of making plants then whats left to eat??? At least those animals aren't being treated like the ones in the factory farms!! COME ON! I am not stupid I knew that allready. Jeez. Can I just enjoy my salad in peace? =) " There are less harmful approaches to farming. Also when farming certain crops, the number of animals harmed goes up, like rice. The less harmful farming would incorporate a lot of manual labor rather than using machinery. Hydroponic farming would exclude the use of pesticides and herbicides. Also you can grow your own produce which you can personally see to it that animals are not harmed. There are farming communes that are operated by vegans who also make sure that minimal harm is done. You can buy produce from them.

Kagom 7/13/04 7:51 PM
Well, I always try to figure people out I enjoy eating meat. I dont' think less of you for loving your dog more than a person you don't know who got beheaded. Vegetarianism/Veganism and Carnivorism do have their downsides, but they have their ups as well Sorta just reiterating what you said, but that's a good point

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stinkytofu 7/13/04 7:52 PM
Pyro, I am sorry if my posts have offended you. My intent is not to convert you back to omnivorism. By all means stick to your vegan diet. I was clarifying what appeared to by glaring misconceptions you had about the benefits of veganism over omnivorism. Again, I apologize if I gave you that impression

IAMAVEGAN 7/13/04 7:52 PM
You would really rather the guy die in IRAQ than your dog? That is overboard my friend.

Final results: thread deleted, and a nice little piece of love :/

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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2004-07-15, 07:45 AM in reply to KagomJack's post "Peta fight"
#1 PETA people are idiots (ALL OF THEM)
#2 Humans don't need Veggies to survive, I haven't had any kind of veggie matter in 5 or so months (unless you count the small ammount of lemon that I put on my eggs)
#3 That post just made me think of something...... There are 1500 inmates at the prison i work at. We have just about all the groups you can think of ,KKK, Nazis, Black Panthers, And other various street gangs. But NO PETA ..WTF
#4 People who live just off veggies are pill heads, its up there in kagom's post somewere.
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‡AC‡ is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between‡AC‡ is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-07-15, 07:47 AM in reply to ‡AC‡'s post starting "#1 PETA people are idiots (ALL OF THEM)..."
Lemon is a fruit

So you haven't had any veggie substance for a long time my friend.

Also, no PETA members? Do you have any ALF/ELF (Animal/Earth Liberation Front) members?
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2004-07-15, 07:50 AM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "Lemon is a fruit ;) So you haven't..."
KagomJack said:

Also, no PETA members? Do you have any ALF/ELF (Animal/Earth Liberation Front) members?
Don't know gonna have to check that out.
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‡AC‡ is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between‡AC‡ is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-07-15, 07:57 AM in reply to ‡AC‡'s post starting "Don't know gonna have to check that out."
Well, if you do, just remember they are funded by PETA.
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2004-07-15, 08:34 AM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "Well, if you do, just remember they are..."
Down with PETA!!
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Sovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzSovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2004-07-15, 10:02 AM in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Down with PETA!!"
Who cares.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2004-07-15, 10:45 AM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Who cares. :("
I fucking hate peta with a passion. Meat is good.
!King_Amazon! said:
Just ask the married chick he fucked.

Who Delivers ten times out of ten?
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MightyJoe is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenMightyJoe is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-07-15, 05:06 PM in reply to MightyJoe's post starting "I fucking hate peta with a passion. ..."
If any of you want, some friends of mine from RPGSource.net and I are going to go hit up the peta2.com forums. If you're interested, let me know

http://www.peta2.com (I'm RonFujitsu)
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KagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed itKagomJack shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2004-07-15, 08:28 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "If any of you want, some friends of..."
Why the fuck should I care about the ethical treatment of animals? Answer me that simple question.

How can you be right and me be wrong? You have no clue what the fuck the animal wants... so assume that it wants to be grinded up, fried, and sandwiched between two pieces of bread and some condiments.
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Penny_Bags enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzPenny_Bags enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2004-07-16, 01:19 AM in reply to Penny_Bags's post starting "Why the fuck should I care about the..."
Well, that's what I want anyways.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2004-07-16, 01:20 AM in reply to Penny_Bags's post starting "Why the fuck should I care about the..."
You can also think about it this way. An animal such as a wolf will not think twice about ripping your throat out, but when you slaugter animals back its a big deal.
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Sovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzSovereign enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2004-07-16, 02:52 AM in reply to Sovereign's post starting "You can also think about it this way. ..."
Exactly. But I guess thats how the 'circle of life' works. I don't really care too much about anyone's rights, as long as mine aren't violated.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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