There have been a lot of fake 1.10 cracks such as the one on Finally a well known person to the d2hacking community has cracked mousepad's maphack. View this thread to learn more
Last edited by Adrenachrome; 2004-01-26 at 06:16 PM.
Reason: Linking to a competingforum.
Rofl Maphack has been out for like 3 months now HAHA. And blizzhackers = rofl
Man there are lots of hacks out now. Pindle bots, channel spam bots, eldritch bots, Game spam bots, Zoids pickit, MAPHACK, D2hackit, and many other hacks i can't remeber off the top of my head.
Panic said: There have been a lot of fake 1.10 cracks such as the one on Finally a well known person to the d2hacking community has cracked mousepad's maphack. View this thread to learn more
-- errr I must be missing the part where I learn more .. where is it?
Last edited by Nippletwister; 2004-01-27 at 10:51 AM.