I'am a lil sick of the ppl calling themselves gods becus they cant be killed (they us the trigger to go to town at 40% life or so)
If anyone could tell me a ligit way to kill these ppl and prove there hack isnt as good as a player that knows how to play..
Plz dont say items to me cus i play classic and cant get the stuff lod players talk about.
Any help would be very nice.
I'am basicly lookin to beat the hacks or disrupt them.
And if something like this has been posted b4 could u send a link and close this thread.
well.. all i can say is use leech. for facing those bugged barbs with a legit one, use the mopst leech you can, (life) so when you ww you get life back, fast.
bugged zons just suck ass.
mostly its hacks that help in duelin other than that the hacking isnt to bad Allmost all the hackers use zons (autoaim,TpTown,etc)
my zon is ligit and cant kill one hit(i play classic) it takes me 5-7 hits to kill someone the same lvl as me
Well moast of the ppl calling them selves gods are zons...barb tend to be ligit in duels(except the duped items) ive seen one barb use the tr tp go hack and like 30 zons.
90% of barbs in palapk are hacked. the other 10% use 2x lightsabres and 160/60 ias armor.
and the majority of bug/hack users i duel with when i ask them why not use legit gear they said "well i got annoyed with all the other people who did all that damage and had all that hp so i got some of that gear to"
its like voting if one person thinks there vote doesn't matter then alot of people will think that.
thats why there is a low vote turn out rate, thus Don't be one of the people with the low self-esteem/confidence depend on hacked items to duel with or to feel good about their skills/them selves.
update my foh pally is owning all char except zons and bvz barbs (mainly cus they are fast...i probly be able to get zons if i can get my fhr a bit higher