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Immortality Rings?
Posted 2002-05-18, 03:23 PM
Check this site, and you'll see what I mean:


What if he would be right?
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2002-05-18, 03:36 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
this site is so funny, and funny link everywhere too...
It's a great moment of fun.... Tkx Chruser... lol

Attention! You can also receive FREE Immortality Rings if you help me out

Check this one too : http://www.alexchiu.com/getbiblecode2.htm

Tkx to Sum Yung Guy (C)

Last edited by User Name # 1; 2002-05-18 at 03:44 PM.
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User Name # 1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenUser Name # 1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
User Name # 1

Posted 2002-05-19, 02:33 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
wtf is that shit...
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Mr.Lee is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenMr.Lee is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 03:32 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
yeah what the fuck is that shit
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ViciousMilitia is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenViciousMilitia is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 05:46 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
It's a guy selling magnet rings that will make you immortal.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2002-05-19, 05:54 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
lol very funny...
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Mr.Lee is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenMr.Lee is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 05:55 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
Are you the messiah?

Since Alex Chiu IS NOT the messiah, the messiah could be YOU!

Are you the messiah that the world is expecting?

Tkx to Sum Yung Guy (C)
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User Name # 1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenUser Name # 1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
User Name # 1

Posted 2002-05-19, 06:18 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"

How to bring global peace

copyrighted 2000 by Alex Chiu
Every new version of this essay is registered in the U.S. Copyright Office

How do we unite the entire world and enjoy global peace? I believe that this is how it will be brought:

Soon there will be a big war coming. The entire world will be drawn into a miserable war. Then people will be tired of the war, and everyone will beg for global peace.

The only solution to bring total peace to the world is to incorporate the entire world. Just like how we incorporate a business, we must first incorporate a few of the most powerful and the wealthiest countries. For example: USA, China, Russia, and Japan. We use incorporation to bring these superpowers together putting a stop to another major war.

How come incorporation will bring peace? Simple. First, if you are not familiar with how a corporation works, I must explain to you the mechanism of a corporation and how it distribute money to its investors. Let's say that Brandy Bunch Limonade is incorporated and was offered to the public, if Brandy Bunch Limonade Inc. seems promising to investors, investors will invest. The corporation's stock value goes up, and share holders earn money. But in contrary, if the corporation does not profit and destroys its image, share holders will sell their shares resulting devaluation of the stock value. Share holders lose money. After a great war, (WW III which is coming up very soon) we can suggest the few major superpowers to incorporate into one. Will the leaders and dictators be willing to join the corporation? Yes! The key leaders and decision makers of each country will receive handsome shares of this huge world corporation. Another word, we have to buy the decision makers out with the corporation shares. For example, the president of United States, dictator of China, leader of Russia, and Prime Minister of Japan will each receive 3% of the total corporation shares. Judges, senators, and other key decision makers, etc. will each receive up to .5% of the corporation's total shares. These key leaders and decision makers will be more than willing to incorporate. They know that if this world's biggest corporation, the corporation made up of four or five of the world's most powerful or wealthiest countries, once goes IPO (Initial Public Offering), lots of people will invest their money. The stock value of the world's most dependable, most promising corporation will shoot straight up overnight. The dictator of China, the president of US, the leader of Russia, and the prime minister of Japan, etc. will all become instant MULTI billionaires. Even the judges, senators, and secondary decision makers who each received no more than .05% of the corporation shares will probably become billionaires overnight. When this world's biggest, most dependable corporation goes on the market, lots of people from all over the world will buy its stocks. All these key leaders of the countries which has joined the corporation will become instant billionaires without a doubt.

But wait a second.... Why would people invest in this world corporation? How does this world corporation earn its money in order to attract investors? The answer is that if the newly formed world corporation does will, the central government of the corporation can receive more tax money. Part of the tax money will be served as dividend (profit) and will be given to the share holders. And best of all, IT'S TAX FREE. Since buying the government corporation's stock is considered as buying a government bond, investors don't have to pay any tax from what they earn. By the way, this investment is tax deductible!

Once the corporation is formed, there will be a central agency established to serve as the supervisor of the corporation. This agency, an organization which contains representatives from every member country, will have power over all militaries of all countries that have joined under the corporation. The agency does not have the right to declare war on another country which is outside of the corporation. The agency only has the power to mix the soldiers from all countries under the corporation. For example, the agency will put 40,000 US soldiers in Russia, transfer 50,000 Russian soldiers to China, dispatch 100,000 Chinese soldiers into USA and Taiwan, and settle 30,000 Japanese soldiers in China. This mixing of soldiers from different member countries is designed to bring real peace to the inside of the corporation so that member countries will not be able to declare war on another member anymore since their soldiers are mixed up.

As mentioned earlier, the agency has no power to declare war on another country outside of the corporation UNLESS 80% of the corporation citizens vote for war. The agency, without a vote, has the right to dispatch soldiers in order to defend the corporation if the corporation is under an attack by another country.

So basically, out of the total shares of a newly formed corporation, around 20% of the shares will be used to buy out key leaders of different countries so that they will be willing to sell their countries to the corporation and become corporation members. Around 80% of the shares will be sold to investors a little by little until all 80% of the corporation is sold out. It will take more than 100 years to sell 80% of the corporation, so there is plenty of room for investors. The corporation will be offered to public immediately after incorporation so that the leaders can earn money instantly. One corporation will be composed of no more than five or six countries. The agency mentioned earlier will supervise the corporation. After the major powers, like USA, Russia, China, Germany, Japan, has been incorporated together, the agency will further corporate every country in the world, five or six countries a corporation, until every single country in the world is under the agency. The agency has the power to mix the soldiers from corporations to corporations. The mixing of soldiers will insure that countries will not be able to raise swords against other countries anymore.

After incorporation, the laws of a country might change or might not change. Let's say that India and few other middle east countries were incorporated into one. If India's sultan still supports the law of cutting off robbers' hands or feet, nobody will invest in the corporation because investors don't see a future in such an underdeveloped country. The corporation's stock value will drop, and everybody loses money. Indian's sultan will soon change his mind because he owns 3% of the corporation. If the sultan wants the value of his shares to double, he better abolish the law of cutting off people's arms and legs in order to protect corporation's image. If the Indian sultan does not care about money and still insists to cut off people's arms and legs, the share holders of the corporation can volt against India and kick India out of the corporation! Then the head agency has to put India into another corporation that is willing to accept India. So basically, share holders cannot directly affect the laws of a particular country. The most they can do if they don't like a particular country is kick the country out of the corporation. The head agency of course will help investigate a troubled corporation and will help resolve any existing problem.

The agency itself is also a corporation composed of all corporations of the world. It is an organization which contains representatives from every member country. Each time five or six countries consolidate into a new corporation, the agency will receive three percent of the total shares of the newly formed corporation. The more corporations established by the agency, the more tax the agency receives, thus richer the agency becomes. The agency will also go public so that private investors can plunge their money into the agency. If the entire world does well, the agency's stock value goes up, and everyone who has shares of the agency makes money. But if the world's conduct is poor because the agency didn't do its job, people will withdraw their money from the agency, and the CEO of the agency could be replaced.

The agency has no right to buy more shares from any corporations of the world nor does it have the right to ever sell the shares receive from a newly established corporation. The agency can only earn money from dividends received from prosperous corporations and from corporate funding. Earnings of the agency will be distributed to its investors as dividends. The agency could lose money too when a member corporation's stock value drops. Anyway, if the agency does a good job in perfecting the world, more people will buy agency's stock. If the agency does not do well, investors will sell their shares, and the CEO could get fired. The officers of the agency have the rights to be granted shares of the agency. Afterall, money is the main motivation for agency and corporate officers to do better jobs.

The agency has the complete ownership of the military of the newly formed corporation and has right to mix soldiers from corporations to corporations. The agency does not have direct power to alter the law of a country. When the agency incorporates a new corporation, the agency receives three percent of the newly formed corporation. Therefore, the agency has three percent of the voting power on the newly formed corporation. Again, as mentioned earlier, the agency has no power to declare war on another country outside of the corporation UNLESS 75% of the corporation citizens vote for war. The agency, without a vote, has the right to dispatch soldiers in order to defend the corporation if the corporation is under an attack by another country.

The agency also functions as the main improver of the world. Based on the old testament prophecy, fertility in the future will become so miraculous that one meter square of land will produce half ton of food per year. Every grape tree will have a thousand branches, and on each branch a thousand grapes. Fruits in the future could be genetically engineered to taste like bread or meat. In every corner of the world there will be surplus, and people will never starve again. Poverty will disappear. The agency is responsible for fulfilling this prophecy. Genetic engineering will be vividly promoted by the agency until the prophecy concerning the miraculous fertility is fulfilled. Based on the old testament's prophecy, there will be no handicaps nor diseases in the future, and resurrection will become possible. Well, I got the key to a cure for all handicaps already. I have built a working model of an alternating magnetic flux generator which has successfully aligned the deformed body parts to their original structure. Since that the working model has shown the sign of cell realignment, it is concluded that a more powerful but same type of machine will cure all handicaps like blindness, deafness, etc. In the future, a much more powerful commercial model of this same device will be built so that all handicaps will seize to exist. Cures for all diseases and resurrection will also be expected in the near future. Part of the tax money collected by corporations around the world shall go to the agency as funding for the world improving experiments as mentioned above. Of course the agency will earn money from curing handicaps, resurrection, and from it's other services and products. So can each corporation offer services or products.

The agency also performs as an insurance company for the corporations. For example, if China suffers from flood and needs immediate financial aid, the agency will grant a loan to China. The agency has the right to charge interest on a financial loan. This is also how the agency can earn money in order to attract investors.

If someone asks, "If USA is incorporated, then the president of United States becomes the CEO of USA?" The answer is no. There is only a CEO for the corporation which is formed by five or six countries. The president of USA could also be elected to be the CEO of the newly formed corporation. But the president of the United States has no need to change his title. There still will be a presidential election every four years.

If someone asks, "If a country has been incorporated, will the law or government structure change thus affecting the present ways of life?" The answer is no. After incorporation, a country still has total control of its police force and can keep its law and its government structure, but its military and all of its military weapons will belong to the corporation. The military and all military weapons of a corporation will belong to the head agency. Once a country has joined under a corporation, it no longer has the right to declare war on member countries nor any other country outside of the corporation. For example, if China joins under the corporation, China will still be under communism. They still run their country the way how it was done. Only thing they lost is the right to declear war on other countries. Only the head agency of the corporation has the right to declear a war.

If someone asks, "If I hold corporation shares, how powerful is my vote? Another word, what kind of stuff can I vote for?" The answer is you cannot vote to change the laws of a particular country. You can vote for stuff like how to spend the tax money collected by the corporation, who becomes the next CEO, to merge or not to merge with another corporation, etc.

But wait! What if some terrorist from the middle east buys large amount of a corporation's shares in order to take over the corporation? Wouldn't the taking over of a corporation affect the law, the military, and people's ways of life? The answer is no. I don't care who invests in a corporation. All I know is that an investor would not wish to drive a corporation down the drain because his own money is also involved. If a super rich person invest a large amount of money into the corporation, he would only want the corporation to prosper. Second, the law of a country was set by either the leaders of the country or by citizens' votes. Investing large amount of money in the corporation doesn't mean that the super rich investor can easily change the law thus affecting people's ways of life. Third, the military doesn't belong to the corporation but to the agency. So investing in a corporation gives no power to the military whatsoever.

Can two corporations merge? The answer is yes. If corporation members feel that merging two corporations is for the betterment of both parties, I don't see why not.

If someone asks, "Don't you need a brokerage house to underwrite the IPO?" The answer is no. The incorporation of the world will only be established after a great war, mainly when China fights a nuclear war with USA and that the rest of the world also gets involved. Hundreds of millions will die. Then people will realize that incorporation of the world is the only way to bring peace, and they will start to accept this proposal. There is no brokerage house needed because we are incorporating the world to SAVE THE WORLD! By the way, a brokerage house is needed to check on the credit status of a corporation which is pursuing an IPO. Must we need a brokerage house to check the credit status of United States of America, Japan, or China? We are incorporating the world in order to save it! No brokerage house is needed.

If you ask, "I am a leader of a country. My people hate me very much. If my people start a civil war or start a riot against me, will the corporation send in troops to help me put down the rebels?" The answer is: If you request us to help you stop a riot, we must send troops into your country. The troops will be multicultural. Which means, if we send in 20000 soldiers, 2000 men will be Germans, 2000 will be French, 2000 will be Chinese, 2000 will be Americans, and so on. The corporation troops will not help any side. Which means, the troops will not help your government kill innocent citizens. The troops also will not help the rebels fight against you. The corporation troops will only help you maintain peace on the streets. We make sure that people won't destroy properties and burn down buildings. If the rebels dare to open fire, we will put down the rebels and make arrests. We also make sure that government police will not open fire on innocent citizens. At the end, you must sit down with your citizens and resolve the problems peacefully. But if your people keep hating you as the rebels keep on coming back, we will assume that you are the real trouble maker. Then we will kick your country out of the corporation. Which means, we will take back the stock shares which we have given to you and will give you back your military. You go fight the rebels yourself. The last thing that the corporation needs is a trouble maker.

If you ask, "I am a regional leader of a country, and I want to declare independence for my region because my country is too corrupt. Will the corporation help me declare independence?" The answer is No. You must gain permission from the central government of your country if you want to gain independence. The corporation cannot help you. If you decide to take matters into your own hand and pick up guns to wage a war against your country, the corporation will defeat your army and will arrest you.

If you ask, "My country is being invaded by another country. Can I join the corporation now so that the corporation can help me defeat my enemy?" The answer is: I don't know. Your country sounds like a high risk. If the corporation incorporates a country which is at war, the entire corporation will be at war. The corporation must go through a vote to decide whether to incorporate your country or not. But you should not come to us at the last moment. You should have come to us before the war even started. The corporation welcomes any nation that is not a high risk. So please incorporate before you go to war with another nation.

If you ask, "Won't there be more corruption if politicians are allowed to hold shares?" The answer is: Maybe a little more. But with this system, the politicians earn money if the corporation earns money. That means, if the politicians want to make the corporation richer, they would have to improve people's living first. If people are poor, how can the government corporation earn money? So this system actually encourages politicians to improve people's living. This system encourages the politicians to put people at the first place. There is corruption everywhere. I am sure that producing a few more millionaires will not force the sun to rise from the West. We use corruption to end warfare. Chinese call this "Use poison to kill poison."

If you ask, "What if the corporation owners tax the hell out of people so they can become richer and richer?" The answer is: That is not a problem at all. We can let the citizens vote on how much tax is the corporation allowed to collect. The citizens are allowed to review records of corporation expenses in order to determine what amount of tax is reasonable. See? Everybody's happy.

A corporation can grant funding to promising medical, governmental, and technical research labs in order to improve corporation's image and further develop the corporation so that more people will invest in the corporation.

All I know is that once the entire world incorporates, stock exchange centers become the only battle ground of men. Incorporating the world will bring eternal peace and prosperity to our society. There will be competition, and for these corporations, the only way to win the competition is to improve their people's living. The corporation share holders don't want to screw up people's living because the people who live in the corporation's land is the future of the corporation. If you screw the people, you are screwing the corporation's conduct. Therefore, your shares will drop. Some one told me that the corporation share holders will want to raise the tax so that the corporation can earn more money. I disagree. If you raise the tax too high, you might end up choking the economy. The citizens of a corporation who don't own any corporation shares will not want to screw up the corporation either. If the corporation's shares drop, corporation will not have enough funding for building that new bridge or fix the roads; No more free lunch for your kids; no new library and new schools; tax will be raised. So the conclusion is that the incorporation of the world is the ONLY way to unite the world. There will be peace and prosperity upon the entire world, for ever and ever more.

Copyrighted 2000 by Alexander Y.C. Chiu

This man is incredible. Was he alone to build his site ?

Tkx to Sum Yung Guy (C)
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User Name # 1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenUser Name # 1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
User Name # 1

Posted 2002-05-19, 06:45 AM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
He does seem to have a lot of time on his hands, that's for sure.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2002-05-19, 12:28 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
but... may be the thing WILl extend your life span... may be not immortal... but i think it'll extend ur life span to a certain extent
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Randuin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 01:41 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
i dont know wut the hell to think about this fruitcake...is he insane or is his stuff real?(doubutful)
~-Killah out-~
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Killah is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenKillah is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 02:32 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
How do people find these sites? That is the question.
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tacoX is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweentacoX is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 02:40 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
chruser says its real, its even patented and all, so dont try to steal his ideas!!!
So this baby seal walks into a club.
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ask_rabber is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenask_rabber is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-19, 08:47 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
lol that guy is nuts. but really funny (i dont think hes trying to be tho)

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-05-19, 09:13 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
When he dies, I'd like to see that headline.

"Creator of the Immortality ring dies at age 128"

"Well, Jim, all we know is apparently he dropped his ring down the sink and died on the spot."
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2002-05-19, 09:31 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
man, i hate to be a pessimist, but immortality rings?


that is so fak'ing lame/dumb/stupid.

ok guys, if there was actually a way to make a human being immortal with magnets, then SOMEONE would have found it out a LOOOOOOONG time ago, and it would be now common knowledge....

this is total bullshit.. who is with me?
The brotherhood returns...
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Edipus Brown is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenEdipus Brown is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Edipus Brown

Posted 2002-05-19, 10:02 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"
His grandmother is like 130 years old.

Il papa caca nei legno?
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RoboticSilence is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenRoboticSilence is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-05-20, 09:33 PM in reply to Chruser's post "Immortality Rings?"

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz


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