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Posted 2002-07-21, 03:00 PM
XennXI: oops
XennXI: i spilled penguins dads rootbeer on me
TheAssassin314: wtf?
TheAssassin314: does that even make sence
TheAssassin314: Or did thatdude wake up from ur bead and start typing again
Zelaron: "sence" doesn't make any sense
Zelaron: =)
Zelaron: sorry
XennXI: you made me spew penguin
XennXI: now my keyboard is all gooey
TheAssassin314: PASJF!
TheAssassin314: i spell how i wish to spell =o
XennXI: you spell AND smell like smokey the bear had a rectal inflamation
Zelaron: I know how to spell, even though I'm a "dumb swede"
XennXI: no your not
XennXI: thats terrible who said that
XennXI: cause your really EURO TRASH!
XennXI: lol
Zelaron: hehe, americans that say that the "war with europe" sucks
TheAssassin314: HUKHUKHUK
XennXI: yeah its too easy
XennXI: we dont even have to use heavy arms
Zelaron: No offense, but lots of americans are really dumb
Zelaron: You two aren't, and most Zelaron people aren't either, but...
TheAssassin314: KEKEKEK
XennXI: dont blame me for the SWEDISH IMMIGRANTS!
Zelaron: Yes, there are lots of stubborn americans
TheAssassin314: americans Bomb joo now, Own joo later
TheAssassin314: Lol
Zelaron: Swedish people are underrated
TheAssassin314: NO
TheAssassin314: AND IN LOTS OF PORN!
Zelaron: The US population thinks swedish chiefs have the intelligence of a 12-year old
TheAssassin314: Chefs?
Zelaron: But all right, I'll admit it
Zelaron: no, lol
TheAssassin314: =0
Zelaron: But all right, I'll admit it
TheAssassin314: Admit what
Zelaron: Swedish people are terribly bad at English in general
TheAssassin314: ....
TheAssassin314: so what
XennXI: cause they wander around
TheAssassin314: they are SWEDISH
Zelaron: I'm not sure :|
XennXI: riding 5 wheel bikes
XennXI: and going
TheAssassin314: LOL
XennXI: bonjour sex0r!
TheAssassin314: Five wheel bikes
TheAssassin314: Lol
XennXI: the new wheelbarrow.. with WHEELS!
TheAssassin314: lol
TheAssassin314: 0_0
XennXI: no offense to chruse
XennXI: lets rag on taco now
TheAssassin314: no fun
TheAssassin314: tacos not here
XennXI: ok
XennXI: invite demi
Zelaron: I can't be offended =)
TheAssassin314: Demi???
TheAssassin314: ewww
XennXI: oh really?
XennXI: i can offend you
Zelaron: I'm sorry
XennXI: is that your dick or do you have a parasite?!
TheAssassin314: AND CHRUSER has never seen a HELICOPTER
TheAssassin314: lol
Zelaron: What's the point?
Zelaron: lol penguin
XennXI: they have this new invention chruser
Zelaron: I've seen ONE!
Zelaron: :-D
XennXI: its called "ANTISEPTICS"
TheAssassin314: ONE? =p
TheAssassin314: at least you admit
Zelaron: yes, we have one helipad
XennXI: ive seen one fly over my house
XennXI: twice!
Zelaron: also, we have a 116 times lower debt than you guys
Zelaron: and you have 130 helipads
Zelaron: does that ring any bells?
TheAssassin314: CAuse the swedes are still using the Wright brother planess
TheAssassin314: and havent discovered the helicopter
XennXI: i dunno but i think i hear your dad
XennXI: he wants his dick back
TheAssassin314: haha
TheAssassin314: yeah but
XennXI: (just trying to offend you mr. cant be offended)
Zelaron: Well, you haven't discovered fusion power yet, so I guess that evens up =)
TheAssassin314: USA has DEBT but NO ONE CAN FORCE US TO PAy
TheAssassin314: CAUSE WE OWN
TheAssassin314: =p
TheAssassin314: yes
TheAssassin314: i discorved it in my backyard
Zelaron: Ever wondered why the percentage of successful swedish artists/engineers is way greater than the US?
TheAssassin314: 2 rocks and some soil *BOOM*
XennXI: i found a swedish fish once
Zelaron: Because US people are stubborn, and lazy
XennXI: it was all gummi and useless
TheAssassin314: Thats cause we know we own
TheAssassin314: and we need to relax =p
Zelaron: who needs gummi when you have a swedish girl? =)
XennXI: chruser
Zelaron: lo
Zelaron: lol*
XennXI: your about as straight as a circle
TheAssassin314: anyway chruser
TheAssassin314: your not swedish your korean
TheAssassin314: and koreans eat CATS
TheAssassin314: and DOGS
Zelaron: it's straight from a X0, Y0, Z90 angle
XennXI: speaking of gummi worms, is that your dick or did they start making them in EXTRA SMALL?
Zelaron: =)
TheAssassin314: I KNOW MY XYZ ANGLES
TheAssassin314: SO BOOYA
Zelaron: I thought someone was going to start insulting me? =)
XennXI: chruser you need to check out the world wide web.. i suppose your homepage would be www.takemenow.gay
XennXI: ok that was lame
Zelaron: Yes, but lameness usually comes from lame people =)
Zelaron: So it evens up anyway
XennXI: by the way your boyfriend called.. he wants to be a webmaster
Zelaron: I don't have a boyfriend... sorry to disappoint you, but I don't want you either =)
Zelaron: Thanks for asking though... *turns around and runs*
XennXI: your so queer you have to come to OUR country to get a girlfriend
Zelaron: she's not my gf
Zelaron: it's just a sex thing =)
Zelaron: There are plenty of girls over here
XennXI: the lab is angry
XennXI: they didnt finish testing you
XennXI: (wtf xenn? *judo slap*)
TheAssassin314: judo? rofl
XennXI: austin powers
Zelaron: They didn't need to test me for any longer, since I was already perfected =)
XennXI: no your getting mixed up with sharks
Zelaron: No, but "your" a fool when you type like that
XennXI: why dont you go make a snow television, since youll never get a real one in your backwards little country!
XennXI: i could use proper grammar
XennXI: i can beat you in a grammar contest
TheAssassin314: judo = tai quan do...
XennXI: its from austin powers
Zelaron: ...and that comes from YOU, in a country with "9 minutes of music, guaranteed... As long as you listen to 9 minutes of messages from our sponsors"
XennXI: what was that?
XennXI: you wanna say that TO MY FACE?!
XennXI: oh wait
XennXI: you cant
Zelaron: Oh, right, you don't even have a radio to listen to
XennXI: you live in EL SWEDEN!
XennXI: we dont need radios
XennXI: we have NEW inventions
Zelaron: Liar, you just stole the TV's from the mexicans
XennXI: not recycled electronics from japan
TheAssassin314: lol
TheAssassin314: stealing ANYTHING from the mexicans is a bad idea
Zelaron: Your country is a "bad idea"
TheAssassin314: our military OWNS tho
XennXI: tell it to washington cause my face aint listenin
Zelaron: Bush is stupid too. At least he admitted that
TheAssassin314: you and your
Zelaron: That's why he's surrounded by "smart" people
TheAssassin314: Swedish Royal Guard OOO))00o
XennXI: prime minister
XennXI: a Minister whos in his Prime?
XennXI: thats who runs your country!/
XennXI: at least we ONCE had a decent leader
Zelaron: At least we don't need 11.8 million men running around in circles when a plane crashes into a house
XennXI: me!
XennXI: a house?
Zelaron: plus, we wouldn't bomb afghan civilians like you do
XennXI: is that what you call buildings?
Zelaron: We're smart enough to stay neutral
TheAssassin314: lol
XennXI: cause you cant comprehend anything beyond a mud hut?
Zelaron: Well, all you have is "ruins"
XennXI: you dont even have bombs
Zelaron: look at the WTC
Zelaron: =)
TheAssassin314: i cant even comprehend a mud hat
TheAssassin314: so what
TheAssassin314: we still have
TheAssassin314: ALL These otehr buildings
TheAssassin314: taht own urs
XennXI: you run around with primitive spears
Zelaron: Terrorists are stupid too, though
XennXI: throwing them at monkies
XennXI: yelling warcries
Zelaron: Want to know what the biggest potential threat is?
XennXI: your ass?
Zelaron: Close... suitcases
XennXI: i know
XennXI: if they got into your country
Zelaron: Do you have any idea how much money you have to spend in order to build a working hydrogen bomb?
XennXI: it could throw the balance off
XennXI: and start a riot
TheAssassin314: lol
XennXI: about 498649$ more than your government will ever have
XennXI: ok
XennXI: im done with the insults
Zelaron: The US: 97% litteracy
Sweden: 99% litteracy
XennXI: i beat you out!
TheAssassin314: I POINTED THAT OUT
XennXI: i did a report on literacy
Zelaron: that's 8.3 MILLION americans unable to read or write
TheAssassin314: u cant USE DAT
XennXI: afhanistan has about 4%
TheAssassin314: NOO
TheAssassin314: U RIPED MY IDEA
TheAssassin314: U TACO
TheAssassin314: U TAACOOO!
XennXI: now
XennXI: lets just pos tthis on zelaron
XennXI: and burn it

Yeh well.. Some things I said were stupid and retarded.. but I beat him in the end!
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Xenn shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeXenn shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2002-07-21, 03:30 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
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ViciousMilitia is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenViciousMilitia is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-21, 03:39 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
XennXI: cause they wander around
TheAssassin314: they are SWEDISH
Zelaron: I'm not sure :|
XennXI: riding 5 wheel bikes
XennXI: and going
TheAssassin314: LOL
XennXI: bonjour sex0r!

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Wiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzWiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-07-21, 11:47 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
this matter because?
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Randuin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-22, 01:49 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Zelaron: No offense, but lots of americans are really dumb


Zelaron: You two aren't, and most Zelaron people aren't either, but...

not true

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Hades-Knight is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-22, 03:25 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
who actuallly read the whole thing?
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snoopdogg is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweensnoopdogg is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-22, 04:20 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
not me
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Randuin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-22, 04:21 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
I just scrolled down through it.
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NonGayMan enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzNonGayMan enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-07-22, 05:06 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
I read the whole thing!
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Wiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzWiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-07-24, 09:35 AM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
i did!! cuz im a stupid american!! but our military pwns ur sorry asses

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-07-24, 12:16 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Im glad I live in a country that doesnt revolve around the military firepower
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Jamesadin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJamesadin is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-24, 01:50 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
I wonder who canada would goto if they ever got attacked by another country and needed sum help...
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-24, 02:22 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Why would Canada ever be under attack? We are afterall, a peaceful nation.
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.

Last edited by Strider Fury; 2002-07-24 at 02:31 PM.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-07-26, 04:12 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Originally posted by JohnnyTAE
I wonder who canada would goto if they ever got attacked by another country and needed sum help...
the United states, then britain.
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mightychicken is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenmightychicken is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-31, 11:45 AM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Britian is cool cause they have 007
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Wiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzWiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2002-07-31, 05:39 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Originally posted by mightychicken

the United states, then britain.
my point exactly...
and it doesn't matter what your country is, it depends on what some extremist belive they need to destroy
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-31, 07:07 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Originally posted by JohnnyTAE

my point exactly...
and it doesn't matter what your country is, it depends on what some extremist belive they need to destroy
If their target is Canada, I believe they have better things to do. :O)
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow when intact to your miserable body.
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Strider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenStrider Fury is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between
Strider Fury

Posted 2002-07-31, 08:15 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
but don't they all...
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JohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenJohnnyTAE is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2002-07-31, 09:10 PM in reply to Xenn's post "Play the HOW TO OFFEND ZELARON Game"
Canada, ya hey din dere da Packers, ya hey, din dere Packers at da duperbowl, ya-hey... I'm a true Wisconsinite... (go packers!)
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Wiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzWiccan][V][asta enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2010-09-16, 09:30 AM in reply to Wiccan][V][asta's post starting "Canada, ya hey din dere da Packers, ya..."
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics


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