Posted 2012-05-03, 11:45 PM
in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "This..."
As I gazed upon Skurai's bare chest, I took notice of the odd shape of his breasts. They were misshapen and lumpy, with little knots and veins randomly poking out every which way. His nipples looked like very thick slices of pepperoni that had been doused in grease and calcium, the hairs around them twisted and curly.
He giggled at me as he began to jump up and down, making the two rather large abominations on his chest bounce. He grabbed them, acting as if he was suddenly embarrassed for me having seen them. I felt the bile begin to flood my mouth as he uncovered them again, winking suggestively at me, muttering something about how he could make me a very happy man.
Frightened, I grabbed my gun, aiming it at him first and then upon myself. I knew that even if I killed him, he'd probably come back to life and force me to motorboat those godawful breasts of his. So I decided I'd take the easy way out and pulled the trigger.