Wha...? Adderall brings you out of your stoned stuper?
I'm on day 5 of my weed hiatus and it's not too bad. Yesterday was the worst so far. I feel like I'm fucking PMS-ing half the time cause of the mood swings and tantrums. I broke some of my equipment at work, including a 80$ pool pole and vacuum head... idiot. All because the hose wasn't rolling up right.
I should be good after day 7 or 8. I would have jumped back today but luckily I told klo to take it with her today (she's still smoking.)
Wow. Thanks for proving my point. Go ahead and split this if you want and we can have a real debate.
"Just because someone is on drugs does not mean he or she will be a bad parent. Some are good parents and their drug problem does not affect their children."
"Studies in the USA have shown that generally addicted mothers cared for their children in the same ways as non-addicted mothers."
"Some of the bad effects may be:
forgetting to provide meals for the children
leaving them unattended or not properly supervised
children may have difficulty coping with mood swings and erratic behaviour."
We're talking pot. Not heroine here. Ya I'm mood swingy now, but like I said after a week I'll be fine. And like I also said it's not any worse than a PMS her mom goes through, infact probably less so. Also stated a few glasses of wine (a bowl after bedtime) isn't going to effect her at all.
No where does it say breathing makes you a good parent either. I think your trying to goad me into the flame forum because I can't comprehend you being such a hypocrite.
Watching the yankees throw away the best chance at winning a series in the last 7 years.
Kaneda, i think K_A ,might be right on this one, and by that i mean once you have a kid, stuff like drinking and smoking should stop for a while. It doesnt make you a bad parent but it doesnt help the matter either.