The following message was sent to you via the Zelaron Gaming Network Contact Us form by Anonymous ( mailto:
[email protected] ).
I'm one of the mods over at Nintendo Fan Forum. A few of your members recently started attacking our site, and I traced the activity back here, to this thread:
Needless to say, I had to ban several of your members from my site. One of my other mods decided to make this publicly known, which was not a good idea, and when I told her I would ban any members who came here to troll, I found out that she contacted another member behind my back to come here and troll your site.
Those members are Shadowfox22 and GuitarZero, and you'd do best to ban them right away. You'd also do well to ban the members in the thread above, since they give your site a bad name and you don't want to harbor idiots here.
Anyways, I can't believe something as childish as this has transpired between us, and I'm sorry my members who came here are being so immature and stupid. They'll be banned from my site.
Referring Page:
IP Address:
User Name: Unregistered
User ID: 0
[email protected]
You are most kind to bestow your warning upon us,
one amongst eight highly anonymous moderators on Nintendo Fan Forum. As a token of my gratitude, I have geolocated your IP address after considerable effort by looking at differences in response time through different routes. Thank you for using
Verizon sans proxy.
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