Sephiroth RULES. He's just about the most EVIL villain in the entire FF series, and Kujah and Seymour don't even come close. Plus, he's the original silver-haired god who does not need Pantene every single day just to get those glorious tresses. Imagine it if those 3 were all locked in a death match...HMM. Who would win and who would lose?
As for Ultima and Omega Weapons in FFVIII...oh, I dunno. I skipped Omega Weapon and headed straight for Ultimecia. Not because I'm scared, it's because I can't seem to find that thing in her castle. And...why is it I can't back out the orphanage anymore?! NOOOO~~~~!!!!
I hated it when I fought Ultimecia (the last incarnation). I had Squall do 2 Lion Heart Limit Breaks on her and she's STILL standing! And to add insult to injury, she gets defeated by a measly blow from one of my party members (one ALWAYS dies)
Is there any way I could get back to any of the lost Chocograph treasures once the Iifa tree bursts its roots all over Gaia? And how can I get to the Choco Paradise (the one with this huge cave underneath a small island)? I'm still in my blue Chocobo form.
Kujah may be twisted, but he still got his twisted personality from Sephiroth. It was based on it, anyway. Sephiroth wanted the entire planet to blow up into smithereens using Meteor! Now how EVIL can you get?!
What's up with THAT~~~?!
Life is short.
Let's all grab a BEER~~~!!!